Tag: Gardening

The Garden: Week 1

Can you believe that it’s gardening time again? This winter went by SO FAST.

That may have a lot to do with the fact that we didn’t have much of a winter in Kentucky. Our heaviest snow came on March 3rd, and the day after that it was 80 degrees outside.

Consequently, I was able to till the section of garden I planted — barefoot! I love tilling dirt barefoot. There are few things as energizing as the feel of fresh-tilled dirt on bare feet.

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The Tomato

In December, I had a vine-ripe tomato sitting on my window sill. When I picked it up, the outside felt very bumpy, which was kind of strange. I know this picture is blurry, but maybe you can see the little off-colored bumps along the skin.


Seasonal Perspective

Now, on September 15th, I’m worn out. If I never see another mason jar or freezer bag again, it would suit me just fine. I have been slicing, dicing, cooking, peeling, preserving, drying, and freezing until I just don’t want to do it any more. Don’t get me wrong – God has provided and I am thankful. As much as I love the art of food preservation, I’m just ready for this season to be over. I’ve kept up with school, laundry, and scrubbing. The house is clean, but the picking up and general housekeeping maintenance has been ignored and the day-to-day clutter is about to take over, the classroom is chaos, and my kitchen may never recover. I still have suitcases on the floor of my bedroom from our trip to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Labor Day Weekend.



I haven’t always been afraid of spiders. My mother is and always has been, but they never really scared me. At least, until my senior year of high school, when my friend, Robbie, took me to see the movie Arachnophobia. That movie scared me.


Three Sisters

Three sisters is a Native American gardening technique called “intercropping”. Three plants – corn, squash, and beans – are planted together and work together. The green bean crawls up the corn stalk and uses it as a pole, nourishing the soil at its roots with nitrogen nodules in its roots, and the squash grows along the base of the corn and beans, providing ground cover to retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

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