Gardening: Never Miss a Critical Planting Date Again!
I found this site yesterday and LOVE it!
You plug your zip code in, and it will give you a list of what you need to plant this week.
You can click “show other dates” to see a full calendar of what to plant when. It’s a wonderful, comprehensive, take all the guessing out of it tool.
There are other tools on the site that require you to pay for subscriptions – this isn’t an ad for them and I’m not advocating paying for them. This is just a free tool I found that they offer and wanted to share with you.
I’m getting excited about gardening season! How about you? Do you have plans for a garden this year?
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are these specifically for your area or anywhere?
also, do you know if this was the first week to plant, or have i missed things that i should’ve started already???
What a great tool! This year has really flown by for me so far. I need to get busy right away if I am going to have a garden this year!
You go in and enter your own zip code.
There’s a way to see what all of the dates are — there will be a link in the bottom left corner.