The Garden – Week 13

I was due to post a garden post last week, but we had Squash Week! while I was out of pocket instead.  So, it’s been a few weeks since you’ve seen pictures.

The sunflower is now taller than our 6-foot fence.

It shades the garden beans, so they’re not thriving.  However, they’re producing.

I lost two zucchini plants this week.  We came home from Glen Eden and they were dead when we got home.  But, the yellow squash is growing well and producing constantly.

We did some work on the yellow tomato plants, and when we finally got them all up and off of the ground, we found the watermelon plant.  It’s finally producing watermelon!

We had to stake the cages of the yellow tomatoes.  They were pulling the cages out of the ground!

We also found a lettuce survivor under the yellow tomatoes.  I don’t see how this thing is even here.  This is where the dog and Scott dug up the garden.

The lettuce I have growing in a pot is doing well.

The corn is doing great.

I have green beans coming in on the Three Sisters planting.

The pumpkin isn’t as lush as it was.  I think because it has so many pumpkins growing.  I’m going to harvest several this week and let it put some resources into maturing the others.

My green beans are looking great.  They aren’t producing in a quantity for me to be putting any away, but we have eaten them at several meals.

The green peas are beautiful.  We built cages for them, and they’re producing peas very nicely.

The red tomatoes were doing the same thing as the yellow ones – pulling the cages out of the ground.  We staked them and tied them all up.

My remaining cucumber plants are finally starting to produce.  We lost about twenty plants all together, and have about four left.

The green peppers are looking lush.  One of the six plants has a pepper growing.  I’m hoping the others get on track.

We bought some hot pepper plants.  I think maybe cayenne.

The extra tomatoes next to the horseradish plant have babies on them.

We planted strawberries.

We planted blueberries.

My apples are turning red and my herb garden looks great when you can see it through the weeds.  Hopefully, by the next update I’ll have it weeded.

How is your garden growing?



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