Category: Marriage

Date Night

A few years ago, Gregg and I were reading a book on marriage by a Christian counselor. In this book, it was recommended that a married couple have a date night once a week.

Once a week?

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The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 28 – His Self Image

Our pastor preached a sermon one time on marriage and said, “I can go to work and get beat up by work colleagues all day long. I can get cut off in traffic, I can get talked over in meetings, I can get disrespected by my associates. And I can come come to my wife who is my biggest cheerleader and who tells me I’m wonderful and can do it, and nothing else will matter. The rest of the world just fades away into unimportant.”

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Finally Worked it All Out

I’m a busy person. I tend to have several irons in the fire simultaneously. I’m great at multitasking and quite capable of juggling. However, I realize that if I want to homeschool the boys, I need to be able to stop everything around me, end the outside distractions, and just teach. This is my trial year. Scott just turned 5 and we are “Redshirting” him – so we’re going to work with a 4K program. If I can do it full time this year, then we know we’ll be able to continue doing it. If not, then we need look at our other options.

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Surviving Separation: Believing in an End

Since he’s been there, the United States economy began its decline. Jobs in Gregg’s market have been in serious decline and the 8000 mile separation seemed interminable. A contract end date would approach, no jobs would pop up, so Gregg would be forced to sign another contract and stay a few more months, and it would cycle all over again.

Johnathan turned three in May. As I post this, it’s August 12th, and we finally see an end.

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The Reversal

I’d never planned to have any children with my first husband. We struggled financially without children, and nothing about his lifestyle really was conducive to having a child or rearing a child. I had to work full time, had no choice but to work full time, and that didn’t sit well with me in having a child. But, God saw things differently than I did.

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The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 26 – His Deliverance

There’s a man in our church to gave his testimony Sunday morning. His story is a story of deliverance that most of us have no ability to understand. He was raised in church, knew about Jesus Christ, and turned to God only when he needed help getting out of the worst trouble. A failed marriage with children, drug addiction, drug dealing to support addiction, and finally prison.

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Love & Respect

The above quote very effectively sums up what I hear most often when addressing the idea of wives respecting their husbands the same way that husbands are to love their wives. I don’t know why we accept the fact that they must unconditionally love us, but a wall goes up when considering an unconditional respect.

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