The Garden: Week 4

I know I didn’t post a garden post last week.  To be honest, the garden frustrated me a little bit last week, and I just had to take a step back from it.  We’d had so much rain – record breaking rainfall.  Then the temperature dropped.  Then it warmed up and we had even more rain.

After three weeks, out of the seeds I’d planted straight into the ground, the only ones that sprouted and grew were turnips and radishes.  The green beans, peas, corn, spinach, carrots, and onions had not grown at all.  Talking to my mom last week, she said to dig where I knew was a seed and see if it was sprouting and maybe the cold weather had just temporarily stunted it.  So, I started digging.  I dug up the entire corn field, all of the bases of the bean poles, and both rows of peas.  There wasn’t a single seed.  So, either some critter under the ground got them, the rain washed them away, or birds were able to pick the seeds out of the ground.

Consequently, I replanted the seeds for the corn, green beans, and peas.  A week later, they’re just now coming up.  I still need to replant the carrots and onions.  I have spinach growing in a container, and will transplant it into a pot or into the garden when it starts growing.

My cucumbers got trampled when the trees were cut down in my back yard.  I planted new seedlings, and only some of them survived.  I have a few growing, but need to plant some more.

So, here are the progress photos of the week.  I’m looking forward to the plants leaving the tenuous brand new phase and growing into stronger, healthy plants.

The main garden:

Corn coming up:

The pumpkin plants are looking great:

I have volunteer tomato plants cropping up all over the place:

Green beans:


Red tomatoes:

Green pepper – they’re looking weak and growing slowly.  I’m trying to have patience and no replant them:


The new, smaller garden:


The squashes and melons – not sure which is which:

Yellow tomatoes:



I had a lot of tomato plants left.  I hate to see them go to waste, so I just planted them next to my mega horseradish plant:

My herb garden is looking good as far as the herbs that had already started growing and that I replanted.  The seeds I planted here haven’t grown, as far as I can tell.  There are weeds growing back, and I waited a while to determine if they were weeds or new plants.  So, I’ll have to replant.  What’s growing now is basil, oregano, cilantro, parsley, and mint.

My apples are looking good, despite the extra wind all of the storms has brought.

And just for kicks – aren’t  my lilies pretty?  My dad helped me pick these out last year – I’m not certain we knew the color.  I don’t remember them blooming last year.

I’ll be planting potatoes this week, carrots, onions, and repairing the tee-pees for cucumbers and green beans.  Hopefully, there will be much more progress to show you next week.

How is your garden growing?



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