Ruby Red Raspberry Infused Vinegar

Red Raspberry VinegarRaspberry Infused Vinegar

I have a book titled 365 Ways to Prepare for Christmas. Those of you who know me personally, I’m sure, are shaking your heads in mirth, because you know me well enough to know that I read this book regularly.

There are PLENTY of homemade gift-giving ideas and I thought that while produce and herbs are fresh and abundant in the marketplace, this is a perfect gift idea for foodies who will appreciate a unique home made item to add to the pantry. This light, healthful vinegar goes very well on cranberry walnut salad, feta romaine salad, or even just on greens. The light vinegar brings out the sweetness of the raspberry flavor even more.

And, it’s really super easy. Enjoy!

6 cups raspberries
4 cups rice wine vinegar
16 perfect raspberries
2 glass quart-sized jars with lids (mason jars will work)
2 pint-sized jars

Sort through the berries. Pick out any stems. Set aside 16 perfect ones.


Place 3 cups berries in each of 2 sterile, heat-proof quart jars. In a medium non-reactive* saucepan, gently warm vinegar over low heat until just heated through – 3 to 5 minutes. Pour warm vinegar over berries and cap tightly. Let mixture stand 2 weeks, shaking daily.

Pour mixture through a cheesecloth lined sieve set over a bowl, pressing down on berries to extract as much juice as possible. Discard berry seeds and pulp.

Place 8 raspberries in each of 2 sterile pint jars. Cover with vinegar and cap tightly.

Raspberry vinegar can be stored at room temperature for up to 1 year.


2 pints

Very high in dietary fiber
Very high in vitamin C
High in manganese
Very low in sodium
No saturated fat
No cholesterol

*A nonreactive saucepan is one that is made from Stainless Steel, Glass, or Ceramic materials. They’re called nonreactive because these materials don’t react with acidic ingredients the way copper and aluminum do.

Place in pretty glass containers that seal or cork, fancy up with some ribbon, and give as a beautiful gift.


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