Tag: Gregg


I’ve had so many people ask me how the transition of Gregg being home has gone. This past weekend, while Gregg had drill in Alabama, the kids and I visited my parents in West Virginia. At church Sunday, their pastor asked me how married life was treating me – as if we were newlyweds. It made me laugh. It also made me want to share this.


A Volunteer Force

Think about this for a moment: Every single person in today’s military is a volunteer. And every single person there has either joined or extended their contract during war time. We are coming up on the ten year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9-11, and we have been at war for almost ten years.


Surviving Separation: Believing in an End

Since he’s been there, the United States economy began its decline. Jobs in Gregg’s market have been in serious decline and the 8000 mile separation seemed interminable. A contract end date would approach, no jobs would pop up, so Gregg would be forced to sign another contract and stay a few more months, and it would cycle all over again.

Johnathan turned three in May. As I post this, it’s August 12th, and we finally see an end.


A Week in the Life of Hallee: Tuesday

This wasn’t a typical week for me by any stretch of the imagination. But, I thought that you might enjoy seeing the process that I went through to prepare my home for my husband’s return and to plan for Scott and Johnathan’s combined birthday party, which included out-of-town family being here. So, here it is, one of the craziest weeks of my life. I have determined that I will do this again once school starts and I do have a typical week, so that you can see that I’m not always so insanely overwhelmed with life.


Menu Monday 20 JUN 2011 – Gregg Comes Home!!!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of June 20th. Gregg comes home Thursday night!! My sister-in-law will also be in town Thursday night and my parents on Friday because we’re having a big combination birthday party for Scott and Johnathan on Saturday. As far as desserts go, I’ll be filling the cookie jar with something fun so that there’s cookies available for all of our company. I’ll also be making a large sheet cake for the boys’ party, and some homemade ice cream for the party.

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Creation: May Math Lessons

“It is enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. There was no primeval soup, neither on this planet or on any other, and if the beginnings of life were not random they must therefore have been the product of purposeful intelligence.”


Spring Has Sprung!

Well, actually it officially sprang Sunday, but this was the first available date for this post.

I love every season as it approaches. I enjoy snow and winter, I enjoy heat and summer, I enjoy harvesting my garden and autumn…so WHY am I so excited about spring this year?


Daddy Loves Mommy

Last year, Gregg had a mother’s ring made for me. It has the birthstones of our three children, his birthstone, and mine. I love this ring. I wear it on my right middle finger.

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