Daddy Loves Mommy
Last year, Gregg had a mother’s ring made for me. It has the birthstones of our three children, his birthstone, and mine. I love this ring. I wear it on my right middle finger.
The boys like to sit in my lap and play with the ring. They go down the line of stones and name which stone is whose. “Kaylee, Scott, Jeb…”
One day, Jeb picked up my left hand and played with my diamond ring, the one Gregg had custom made for me just a few weeks after we met. “Who is this?” he asked, thinking that it would have a name associated with it like the mother’s ring. I thought for a moment and said, “That is ‘Daddy Loves Mommy.”
Now whenever one of the boys is in my lap, they go down the mother’s ring, “Kaylee, Scott, Jeb, Mommy, Daddy,” then they move to my other hand, “and Daddy Loves Mommy!”
To which I always reply, “Forever and ever.”
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Beautiful. Such perfection in life. :)
Awww…that is so precious! :) Rings that symbolize things are the best. When we were courting, my fiance (now husband) gave me a necklace to remind me of his love and his promise that he wanted to marry me. It was comforting during times apart. We would often remind each other of that necklace. Now, I’ve got the diamond ring and wedding band that symbolize our forever promise! :)
that is so sweet! thanks for sharing!