Category: Housekeeping

It’s Easy to Take for Granted

I grew up LOVING the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. My favorite one, I think, is Farmer Boy. Farmer Boy gives us a glimpse of Laura’s future husband, Almanzo, and his life on a farm in upstate New York. Whenever I read it, I always thought about how much I would love that life. It was just this picture perfect ideal in my mind.

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Easy Homemade Bathroom Cleaner

I found a really complicated recipe – three different kinds of essential oils, a soap, some household products. Seemed like a science experiment. The next place I looked, I saw one that had two simple ingredients. I thought I’d try that one first, for the ease of the simplicity. I figured if I didn’t like it, I could start getting more complicated.

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Easy Independence Day Wreath

It took me more time making a decision about which flowers I wanted on this wreath than it did for me to put it together. No kidding, five minutes after I laid out the supplies, I was hanging the wreath on my door. Buying everything new (including the wreath – but, really, you only need one for the entire year), the total cost was $25.

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A Week in the Life of Hallee: Wednesday

This wasn’t a typical week for me by any stretch of the imagination. But, I thought that you might enjoy seeing the process that I went through to prepare my home for my husband’s return and to plan for Scott and Johnathan’s combined birthday party, which included out-of-town family being here. So, here it is, one of the craziest weeks of my life. I have determined that I will do this again once school starts and I do have a typical week, so that you can see that I’m not always so insanely overwhelmed with life. For this entire series, click here.

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It’s a Dirty Job

Some things in life are what I call “necessary evils.” I think cleaning the garbage can is one of them. I can’t stand for my garbage can to be dirty, though, so I clean it regularly. I also have this extravagant contraption for my kitchen garbage can that was bought with the intent of keeping the dogs out of the garbage (yeah, right — my dog has learned how to step on the lever to open it) and allow for easy cleaning, because the inside pulls out, but it is flawed in its design, and actually makes the cleaning more difficult. So, the more often I clean it, the less work I actually have to put in to keeping it clean.

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Something About Me Most People Don’t Know

One thing about my personality that most people can pick up on within a short amount of time in meeting me is that I’m a very capable person. If I see a task, I figure out a way to accomplish it. I’m good at logic, I’m good at critical thinking, I’m good at math, and I have a tendency to take charge and lead. All of those things combine into one neat little capable package.

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