Category: Housekeeping

My Kitchen Help

But then there’s this part of me that considers that on a normal day, I load, wash, and unload dishes into my dishwasher twice a day. I unload in the morning when I get up, and after lunch, it’s full and needs to be reloaded. I unload it during dinner prep, and re-load it after dinner.

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You Can’t Do Everything

I’d been tossing around the idea of quitting blogging for about three months now. I really started thinking about it as soon as it dawned on me just how much less free time I have during the day when I no longer conducted my marriage via long distance means. Since I feel very strongly that the Holy Spirit is who led me to starting the blog, I started praying about it.

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Just Keeping It Real

I have a schedule for a reason. It works best when I stick to it. I don’t really know what happened. Last weekend, I was pretty sick with a bad cold, upper respiratory thing. Monday all day I spent at a cardiology appointment then Gregg and I went Christmas shopping.


Fireplace Glow

Then I saw this post about how to make a faux fireplace by Ann Marie at Household6Diva.

I am not a great decorating ideas person. I think you’ve seen enough of my house in pictures to realize that it just simply isn’t my area. But, I’m great at copying. So, I saw this post and it got me thinking. How would candles look in the fireplace?


Dear Hallee: “Help!”

I’m embarrassed to say how long ago I received the following letter – several weeks at least. I read it, and started mulling over it and just never got back to it. It took me a while to decide how to respond, and then it took me a while to decide to respond here. The subject line in the email was “Help!”


Finally Worked it All Out

I’m a busy person. I tend to have several irons in the fire simultaneously. I’m great at multitasking and quite capable of juggling. However, I realize that if I want to homeschool the boys, I need to be able to stop everything around me, end the outside distractions, and just teach. This is my trial year. Scott just turned 5 and we are “Redshirting” him – so we’re going to work with a 4K program. If I can do it full time this year, then we know we’ll be able to continue doing it. If not, then we need look at our other options.

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