Shopping at the mall Thanksgiving weekend, I saw a sight that broke my heart. A little girl of approximately six or seven years old in pigtails and Mary Janes was sitting on the ledge of a store’s window front. She was all innocence and bubblegum bubbles, and was laughing at a baby in a stroller. In the window above her head was a Victoria’s Secret model, looking up with a seductive look at the camera above her, that looked down the exposed cleavage of the barely covered up breasts, her torso bare down to a very skimpy pair of panties.
Pin ItCategory: Biblical womanhood
My husband is a very social person. He can chat with strangers over any subject matter for hours and never bat an eye. He can work a room at a party or banquet and enjoy meeting new people, catching up with old acquaintances, and find something in common with just about anyone. But he has very few very close friends.
Pin ItI used to long to have a voice to sing. I used to love to even have some sort of voice that would allow me to sing in the church choir. Instead, I have nothing. I can’t hear music, I can’t hear tone, and when I sing my 2-year-old asks me to stop with his hands covering his ears. It makes me sing very very quietly during worship time at church, to be honest.
I just flew from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, with a stop in Paris, France, then returned home on a flight from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and finally back to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a stop in Amsterdam, Netherlands and another stop in Detroit, Michigan. Twenty-eight total hours flying, about fifteen hours sitting in airports, and crossing the paths of hundreds of people. It occurred to me after this trip, as I was driving home finally, that I am not a people person.
I read in a marriage book one time to be careful with whom you share your marital problems, because it’s very easy to update friends on the problems, but we tend to forget to update on the progress. If you’re like me, you can sit there and think of friends who seem to constantly trash talk their husbands, but who rarely praise them for anything good they’ve done.
Pin ItThere was a time in our marriage when there was little trust between me and Gregg. I’d say one thing and he wouldn’t believe it. He’d say another thing and I wouldn’t believe it. It was a very dark time in our lives, and even typing about it and thinking about itelicits a bit of an emotional reaction in my heart.
Pin ItGregg and I rarely fight. I’m very passive, and he and I pretty much agree on most things, so there isn’t a lot left to fight about. We’ve had our moments, and our marriage had a really rough year at one point, but for the most part, there has been little fighting.
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