The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 17 – His Relationships

Two are better than one,Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.  But woe to him who is alone when he falls,for he has no one to help him up.   Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

My husband, Gregg, is a very social person.  He can chat with strangers over any subject matter for hours and never bat an eye.  He can work a room at a party or banquet and enjoy meeting new people, catching up with old acquaintances, and find something in common with just about anyone.  But he has very few very close friends.

When he first went to Afghanistan, as he was traveling, I prayed very specifically that he would find a strong Christian friend, someone in which he could confide, someone whom he could have fun with while living in a war zone, and someone whom he would bond with and love and  know forever.  Because while isolation in small spurts is necessary for spiritual growth and for prayer time with God, we are not designed to be alone.  We are designed to be social creatures, to have friends, to develop relationships.

He traveled for a few weeks before finally getting to his first duty assignment.  The first day we were really able to talk, he said, “My roommate is awesome.  A strong Christian, a good husband and father — I feel like I’ve known him my whole life.”

They have been there in that country together for almost two years.  As Gregg has gotten promotions and moved around, and his friend has gotten promotions and moved around, they haven’t always lived in the same area.  But they work for the same company and their jobs cross paths often.  One day this week, this friend will move to the same base Gregg works, and for the remainder of Gregg’s time there, will live there as well.  I cannot tell you how happy this makes me (and them).  The separation from home is hard – but when there is a friend, a companion, a fellow believer and fellowship, then despite how hard the separation is, the time goes by faster and easier.

Relationships, friendship, fellowship, companionship – those things are important.  And we can’t be all things to our husbands.  They need fellow men.  Together you need other couples.  Your walk with God can only be strengthened with  circle of godly friends.

Read chapter 17 of The Power of a Praying Wife and consider the following questions.  For this chapter, I am leaving the comments on.  However, because I have already started this book in the forum, I will also post the discussion questions here.  Feel free to comment on either place.

1.  What are your husband’s friends like?  Are they godly?  Do you feel they are an asset to him or a determent?

2.  Proverbs 12:26 says, “The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray. ”  Are there people you would consider to be especially bad influences in your husband’s life?  Does he have any relationships that continually trouble him?

3.  2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?”  Does your husband have any close friends who are not believers?  On a small piece of paper, write their names and put it in your Bible.  Pray for their salvation regularly.

4.  Does your husband have close, mature, believing male friends or mentors who counsel him and encourage his spiritual growth?  Is he seeking them?

5.  Does your husband have a good relationship with each of his family members and with each of your family members?  Is there anyone in particular who is especially troubling for him?  Are there some relationships weak or strained?  Pray for those relationships.

6.  Is there any relationship your husband has that is strained or broke because of his unforgiveness?  On a piece of paper, write out a prayer asking God to convict your husband’s heart about his need to forgive.

7.  How is your relationship with your husband?  Do you think it could be improved upon or deepened?

8.  Pray out loud the prayer on pages 134-135 in The Power of a Praying Wife.  Include specifics about your husband’s relationships.


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