Choice Chicken ‘Rich in Protein’ Roll-Ups

Choice Chicken “Rich in Protein” Roll-Ups

Kaylee isn’t a huge fan of sandwiches, so I’m always looking for an alternative to a traditional sandwich for her.  She also eats lunch at 10:30, and has to make it the rest of the day to 3:30.  The higher the protein lunch, the better sustained she’ll be.Gregg loves high protein lunches, and I’m always on the quest for high protein low carbs for him.  This wrap is perfect for both of them.


6 oz. sliced grilled chicken breast
4 pieces (leaves) romaine lettuce
½ cup low-fat Greek yogurt


Food safe containers
Cooler, Cooler bag, thermal insulated lunchbox, or access to a refrigerator


Try never to eat at your desk. Eat in a break area or cafeteria or on a sunny bench outside if the day is nice.


Lay out a romaine lettuce leaf flat on the plate and top it with a quarter of your sliced chicken. Roll it up — from the top of the leaf downward keeping pretty good tension– creating a lettuce chicken wrap. Dip and end into the Greek yogurt as you enjoy your lunch.

Try something new … Dip the banana or the Fig newtons into the Greek yogurt and experience a pretty tasty flavor combination.


1 high protein lunch

Very high in protein
High in niacin
High in selenium
High in vitamin B6
Low in saturated fat

I would love to hear any feedback about this recipe. Did you make it? Did you enjoy it? Did you make any adjustments to it?


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