Month: June 2011

Every Child is Different

In what’s easily the film’s most suggestively disturbing scene, a vehicle is tortured as his engine is revved and his internal fluids are slowly set to boiling. The victim begins smoking and reacting in pain and eventually blows up (offscreen).


It’s a Dirty Job

Some things in life are what I call “necessary evils.” I think cleaning the garbage can is one of them. I can’t stand for my garbage can to be dirty, though, so I clean it regularly. I also have this extravagant contraption for my kitchen garbage can that was bought with the intent of keeping the dogs out of the garbage (yeah, right — my dog has learned how to step on the lever to open it) and allow for easy cleaning, because the inside pulls out, but it is flawed in its design, and actually makes the cleaning more difficult. So, the more often I clean it, the less work I actually have to put in to keeping it clean.


My Limit

After the repairman left, I was making lunch for my kids. As I was slicing bread, I was thinking of all of the things that could be wrong with my hand – staph infection, spider bite – and thinking about dealing with the floor and the dishwasher and the cupboard and my hands started shaking and a panic feeling started welling up inside of me.


Menu Monday 20 JUN 2011 – Gregg Comes Home!!!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of June 20th. Gregg comes home Thursday night!! My sister-in-law will also be in town Thursday night and my parents on Friday because we’re having a big combination birthday party for Scott and Johnathan on Saturday. As far as desserts go, I’ll be filling the cookie jar with something fun so that there’s cookies available for all of our company. I’ll also be making a large sheet cake for the boys’ party, and some homemade ice cream for the party.

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All week this week, when I’ve listened to a Christian radio station, the DJ’s have been asking people to call in and give the best advice their fathers gave them. Every time I heard the question, I thought about all of the counsel my father has given me over the years. But, one thing in particular stood out time and time again.


5 Conversations: Princess Today, Royal Pain Tomorrow?

My daughter, Kaylee, spent the second semester of seventh grade living with her father in Florida. My boys and I went to spend Spring Break with her. In our beach house, we had cable – something we don’t have at home. Kaylee insisted that I watch a show with her about sweet sixteen birthday parties for young up and coming divas that she’d been watching at his house.

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Sautéed Summer Squash with Radishes

This recipe came about because I went to make you Sautéed Summer Squash, only my yellow squash in my kitchen I had picked the day before disappeared (and since was found, in a small piece with dog teeth marks on it – quite curious). Not willing to let that quell me, but not wanting you to be stuck with just zucchini and onion in the recipe – I decided to utilize some of the radishes fresh out of my garden. The result was simply amazing. I will definitely be adding radishes to my squash sautés from now on.

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