My Limit
Last week, I had poison ivy on my hand. Within the mess of allergic reaction, a sore appeared. I thought one of the poison ivy bumps got infected, but apparently it’s something else. Yesterday (Tuesday) I posted a picture on Facebook, and a huge discussion ensued – words like “brown recluse” and “staph infection” were bounced around.
Just the thought of a brown recluse spider bite makes my stomach hurt. Staph makes Kaylee almost hysterical. After she saw the conversation posted on Facebook, she called me so upset. “That’s what so-and-so’s sister died from!” she said in a panic. I calmed her down. Aside from the queasy thought of arachnids, I feel fine, and used that as the catalyst to soothing her fears.
After getting off of Facebook and talking my daughter off of the proverbial ledge, I went to make breakfast. Turkey ham and cheese omelets were on the menu. When I opened my fridge, the two dozen eggs I bought the night before were not there. I went out to my van – not there, either. I was quite flabbergasted. We had fried turkey ham steaks and toast for breakfast, and I made a mental note to go buy eggs.
The same day, I had repairman came to my house to fix my dishwasher. This dishwasher we bought at Lowe’s. It was quite expensive. Almost $700 plus installation, but we thought that it would be the last dishwasher we would have to buy for a long time. The repairman said the dishwasher is working fine – the problem is that it’s been installed incorrectly. The drain hose wasn’t where it should have been, it got crimped, and developed a hole. That hole leaked water for the last 18 months into the floor under the dishwasher and into the cupboard below my kitchen sink.
Now the floor is so soggy under the dishwasher that it moves, and there is mold growing in my cupboard under the kitchen sink.
The reason I had no idea what this looked like is because this is what we had to take out of that cupboard for the repairman to get to that place:
I called Lowe’s and had the man who answered the phone speak to the repairman, who made it quite clear that the entire problem was the incorrect installation. He even said, “Get out the manual and turn to page 8. That’s the proper installation. Not what I’m looking at here. The men who installed it obviously didn’t look at the installation guide or they never would have done what they did.” The man from Lowe’s said his manager would call me back.
After the repairman left, I was making lunch for my kids. As I was slicing bread, I was thinking of all of the things that could be wrong with my hand – staph infection, spider bite – and thinking about dealing with the floor and the dishwasher and the cupboard and my hands started shaking and a panic feeling started welling up inside of me.
This has happened once before. In 2003, when Gregg came home from his first tour in Afghanistan, about two days after he got home I had a total collapse panic attack. The weight of handling everything just crashed in on me and for some reason, I broke down.
For a minute, I stepped aside and had to close my eyes and breathe, slowly, and calm myself down. The time until Gregg’s plane arrived seemed interminable, almost imaginary.
Calmer, I served lunch, then I left the kids with a friend and went to my doctor’s appointment for my hand.
The doctor’s first thought was brown recluse spider bite. But, there’s a telltale black center that doesn’t exist on my sore, so he’s not treating it as that. He’s treating it as, “It’s obviously infected, but I don’t know what it is, so we’re going to try a few things.”
This called for action. At the pharmacy, I bought some therapeutic medication. I had it consumed before I drove the 1.8 miles to my house.
Within minutes of getting home from the doctor, I spoke with the manager at Lowe’s. She says that it’s been 18 months and their warranty is 12 months. So, too bad on us. “You should have known there was a problem,” the manager told me. Yeah. I ‘should’ have known. She’s obviously never met me. What do I know about dishwasher installation and the proper placement of hoses, and why should I know when I paid them $119 to know for me?
As I was reading through the installation warranty information I had (because while I may not know a thing about drain hoses, I’m all about paperwork – and I got paperwork) my friend, who is totally awesome and was making Kaylee’s bed for the company I had coming this weekend, came into the kitchen and asked what Lowe’s said. I tried to speak and totally broke down.
I had about a thirty second crying jag. She hugged me and said, “I would have broken down a year ago.”
I wiped my face clean and said, “It doesn’t do any good. Nothing productive just happened.”
She knows me too well to argue about how good crying can make you feel, etc., because that’s not me. Instead, she smiled and loved me anyway.
She left and Gregg called. He couldn’t get on the flight out of his area to the main air base in Bagram. Which meant he couldn’t get on the flight out of Dubai – he would arrive in Dubai 8 hours after his flight left. Which meant he couldn’t possibly be home by Thursday.
Calmer, dark chocolate in my system, 30 second crying jag, nothing more could possibly go wrong today kind of mentality, I was fine. FINE. I reached my limit, broke, and now I guess I have a new limit.
It took 20 minutes on the phone with Delta, a $199 fee, and he’s reconfirmed and coming in 16 hours later than originally planned. And that’s okay. He’ll make it in time for the boys’ birthday party, he’ll see the family coming in from out of town, and he’ll be HOME.
And, I really really really can’t wait to hand him a phone and let him handle Lowe’s. Because he’s much better at such things than me.
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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couldn’t read without commenting:)
hope today is better. you are an amazing woman!
Returning the love… {{{hugs}}}
I am singing praises to our Lord for giving you the strength that brought you through such a difficult day! It’s so great to know that when things seem to be falling apart, especially all at once, that He is there to lift us up, strengthen us, comfort us, and set us on the path He has for us. Hallelujah!
We bought 2 hot water heaters from Lowes over a 5 year period. The second was still under warranty as the first lasted just 4 years. To try and get them to repair the second one that was under warranty I was routed to a call center in India and struggled to understand the person on the other end of the line. That person diagnosed the problem from India and sent a replacement part. It was not the problem and not the correct part and I still don’t know who they thought was going to install the part. We ended up buying a new water heater from a local plumbing contractor because fighting with Lowes was futile. We also bought our refrigerator from Lowes. The motor was replaced in less than 3 months because it quit on us. I truly believe that Lowes buys inferior quality products and hires unqualified people to install and service their products. I personally will never buy another appliance from Lowes. I hope Gregg has better luck than we did. Keep us posted.
Did you know Murphy’s first name is Uncle Sam?
That’s why everything goes wrong the moment your soldier is called away.
(hugs) I’m glad you let it out my dear friend.
It’s a good thing to empty out the rocks in our bag to keep going in life!
There ARE health benefits to crying. I’m not just saying it to make you feel better. :)
We had a leak under our sink from a leaky 25-cent gasket on our reverse osmosis water filter. My husband installed the water filter, so there’s no arguing blame there. :) We had water leaking very slowly over at least 18 months, and the result was similar to yours – mold all under our lower cabinets.
For us, it was a homeowners insurance claim. They totalled the cabinets, gave us money for mold mitigation, and we ended up with a new kitchen. The check they cut was in the $10,000 range (I can’t remember the exact amount). It was enough to either replace the cabinets with cheap cabinets that we had installed, or nice cabinets that my husband installed. My husband installed nice cabinets. In the end, we took the opportunity to do a lot of work (removed a drop ceiling, installed lighting, removed a pillar, all new cabinets, new countertop and backsplash), and we probably paid about $1500 out of pocket.
I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear right now, that a new kitchen could be in your future (when it happened to us, I was 4 days away from Tessa’s birthday party). But there is an alternative if Lowes doesn’t step up and admit their wrong – you can file a homeowners insurance claim.
((hugs)) And Dove dark chocolate is my remedy of choice, too.
Hi there! We just dealt with an issue of improper installation of our HVAC and we had mold -BAD mold that was in the duct work and air. In fact, it was over $100k to remediate it. The warranty has nothing to do with the bad install of your dishwasher and they ARE responsible. Mine was 3 years later. I would be more than happy to talk to you about what we had happen. Even though yours isn’t on the same scale, they are responsible for everything – including cleaning up that mold which would be done by a professional. We had to live outside our home for 4 months. Get pictures and documentation from the guy who fixed it and let them know that they are responsible even if you have to get a lawyer. That should scare them – mold scares everyone. let me know if you want to discuss more and I’ll send you my contact, or we can discuss right here.
I love you, Hallee! When things are going really bad I always think of the saying, “God never gives you more than you can handle.” Then I think, goodness, God has a lot more faith in me than I do. That is such an uplifting thought that it will always give me a little more strength. The thought that God has faith in me. Wow!
Hallee, God has faith in you!
How do I comment on such heartfelt writing except to say as someone who has been a single mom in her life, I KNOW JUST WHAT YOU ARE FEELING! My Walt is your Greg…and you are right…they are so much better at that kind of stuff! I hope he comes home and uses his big military boot to kick some butt!
Hugs to you Hallee!
If I could hug you I would.
You are such an amazing woman. I would have broken down a long time ago. Here’s hugs and prayers that things get better soon!
I don’t have a husband who deploys for months at a time, but I do know how you feel. For more than 4 years of our marriage (we’ve only been married 4.5 years), he had to leave for work at 5:40am, and would get home between 8 and 9pm. I was estatic on days he was home by 7! He even worked on Saturdays from 6am until 3pm. At one point he worked 40 days straight working Sundays as well. That sucked. I had to deal with everything by myself too. And there were days that I did break down as well. it’s okay to break down and cry, even a little. It proves that you are human. Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way hon! And for what it’s worth, I will pray that Gregg can give Lowe’s a piece of his mind and get that whole thing fixed right for you guys!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs. I am sorry you had a rough day. I hope that the Rx starts working on your hand and that Gregg tells Lowe’s where to shove it. In the meantime, see if the repair guy will write down exactly what caused the problem (even if it is just on his invoice) so that you have it. And consider filing an insurance claim.
I am sorry and can relate in my own way.
I am a fulltime mom and parttime lawyer …. Lowe’s warrenty might be 12 months but the statute of limitations for a tort in most states is 24 months … that includes small claims. I thought you might want to have that little gem for when you have your hubby deal with Lowes.
I am sorry for the pressure. Jesus knows, cares, and loves you so very much Hallee.
I have no words of advice…just love and prayers for you and your family. So very happy you will get to see your beloved soon!
Oh Hallee I’m so sorry! What a terrible day for you. I hope today was better for you. My brother had a new dishwasher installed, by Lowes, and they had the same exact thing happen. Lowes wouldn’t fix the problem and they ended up fighting with their insurance company who had to fight with Lowes and finally they got it resolved and got a beautiful new kitchen out of it.
I read this post and all I wanted to do is talk to you like I talk to my close friends….”Oh girl, I don’t know what you’re going through, cause everyone’s experience is different. Just know I’m here for you and feel for you! I’m sorry, let it out girl, just let it out!”
I am an attorney, but this is not my area of expertise, nor am I licensed to practice in your state. However, if I were you, I would attempt to call back whomever you spoke with before and very calmly explain that clearly Lowe’s failed to install this properly, and that you feel they should correct the issue. (probably they will say no, but I have always had the best success starting off nice). When they spit the warranty at you, say, fine, I understand your warranty is 12 months, but there is NO way I would have discovered this issue for at least 6 months after installation (because that is how long it would have taken mold to begin to develop). They might still say no. Fine. Then you pull out the big guns — legalese and that you are giving them bad press on your blog. Say something along the lines of, “I really feel that Lowe’s has breached the implied warranty of workmanlike quality in this instance (your contract may disclaim this, and I have no idea if your state even has this as a law, but I doubt the manager would know what your state’s laws are either). If your contract disclaims it, go on to explain that although you understand they attempted a disclaimer, you the implied warranties are really minimum standards and a company that won’t stand behind minimum standards is a disgrace. I would mention that when you posted this story on your blog several people shared similar stories about Lowe’s poor service, and you are concerned about them as a company and whether you should continue to do business with them. If the person you are speaking with still refuses to do anything. I would take all the pictures, contract, letter from the repair man, etc. and go to my local Lowe’s and ask to speak to a manager. Go on a Saturday when it is busy. Be completely calm and firm. Don’t take no for an answer. If you are talking to an assistant manager, ask to speak to the store manager. If the store manager says no, ask for a regional representative’s card. The last thing they want is a scene about mold and their incompetent installers in the middle of their store.
That is just what I would do.
I don’t know you, but it sounds like you need a hug. <<>> I don’t like days like these and I know when my husband is away working it makes it harder. There are days I cold just break down. Most women are cut from a strong fabric which gives us an amazing ability to survive tough situations. AND, we bounce right back. I hope your husband gets home safely and you can have him handle that dishwasher. Crazy!