But then there’s this part of me that considers that on a normal day, I load, wash, and unload dishes into my dishwasher twice a day. I unload in the morning when I get up, and after lunch, it’s full and needs to be reloaded. I unload it during dinner prep, and re-load it after dinner.
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After the repairman left, I was making lunch for my kids. As I was slicing bread, I was thinking of all of the things that could be wrong with my hand – staph infection, spider bite – and thinking about dealing with the floor and the dishwasher and the cupboard and my hands started shaking and a panic feeling started welling up inside of me.
If you remember my Wordless Wednesday from last week, we got a new refrigerator delivered on Tuesday. We actually purchased the fridge in the beginning of August, but they were out of stock and we had to wait for delivery. Gregg measured the fridge, and he and my dad spent a day one weekend cutting the cupboard above the refrigerator to fit the measurements of the new fridge.
Only, it didn’t fit. By 1/4 inch.
I accomplish these tasks before I even pour my first cup of coffee in the morning. These three chores will take less than 10 minutes out of your entire morning, but they will make a world of difference in how your home feels, and will help set the tone for the entire day.