Showing 1/4 Inch Who’s Boss

If you remember my Wordless Wednesday from last week, we got a new refrigerator delivered on Tuesday.  We actually purchased the fridge in the beginning of August, but they were out of stock and we had to wait for delivery.  Gregg measured the fridge, and he and my dad spent a day one weekend cutting the cupboard above the refrigerator to fit the measurements of the new fridge.

Only, it didn’t fit.  By 1/4 inch.

My babysitter and I stared at it for some time, then considered that maybe we could fix it ourselves.  We removed the cupboard doors.

I found Gregg’s Dremel tool.

And the box that held all of the little bits and pieces and parts.

After spending way too long staring at bits and pieces and parts, I did what any self respecting wife of a husband in Afghanistan would do.

I found a man.

Thankfully, my neighbor was home.  He’s awesome and has said to always ask him for help.  So I did.

He was over the next morning with a sander and a saw and took that 1/4 inch to task.

When he tried to push the fridge back, we discovered that the top of the appliance was bowed up, so he had to take another 3/4 inch off.  I’m so glad I didn’t try to do that with a Dremel tool.

But, it fit!

All shiny and new and ready for my “fridge stuff.”  Magnets, school paintings, reminder notes, bottle openers.  As I went to hang a bottle opener, it fell right to the ground.  I looked at it, thinking that the magnet had come off, but it was still there so I tried it again.  No joy.  The front of the fridge is not magnetic.

It’s a good thing that the dishwasher is.

The sides are, too, so I was able to hang up my cooking cheat sheets and some bottle openers.

And I got my calendar up where it belongs.

And, I did tape a love note that Gregg doodled with Yahoo doodler one night after he went to a Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage class that he took in Sharana, Afghanistan.  He opened doodler to give me a visual of one of the points in the lesson, and after, while we were chatting, he doodled this.  I’ve had it hanging on my fridge since then.

So, my new fridge is in place and I love it.  I love having so much extra room, and having it all at eye level.

The kids are loving the digital touch screen display that lets them choose between water, “big ice”, and “little ice”, and spend way too many minutes a day playing with such.

It’s all very exciting and fun and new.


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