Turkey Breast in the Rotisserie
Turkey Breast in the Rotisserie
I LOVE my rotisserie oven. I don’t know why food tastes so much better coming out of the rotisserie than the oven, but it does. I prefer to cook meat in it if I can. This turkey breast was amazing – I used it to make lunch meat and the flavor even in thinly sliced pieces was just wonderful.
1 3-pound turkey breast
olive oil spray
spices of your choice (I used McKormick savory roasting rub)
rotisserie oven
aluminum foil
Line the bottom of your rotisserie oven with aluminum foil. This makes cleanup a million times easier.
Wash the turkey breast.
Pat it dry with paper towels.
Spray with olive oil.
Rub spices in.
Prepare it for cooking according to the rotisserie oven instructions.
Cook at 375° F (190° C) for about 1 hour 40 minutes.
Let sit for 10 minutes before slicing.
About 8 servings.
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Very high in selenium High in phosphorus High in riboflavin Low in saturated fat |
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I can’t say ive ever even found a turkey breast like that! it usually has a bone in it…but it does look delicious!
Thanks for this great idea on what spice to use.. I plan on trying this on a turkey breast this Thanksgiving.. It looks wonderful & I can’t wait to try it.. I will definitely come back to your website & let you know how it tasted. Thanks for this info..