Month: April 2011

The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 24 – His Talk

I worked in the construction industry for twelve years. For twelve years, I was surrounded, day in and day out, with men working in a man’s environment. The language that was peppered throughout my place of employment on a daily basis would make a sailor blush. It was such a part of my daily life that I didn’t even hear it. There was one man with whom I worked who could use a curse word five times in a sentence: as the noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, and verb. It was nearly comical.

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Serve One Another in Love

So, at the end of the day I was obnoxious all day long with the camera but will start all over again on a “normal” day instead of a crazy day.

But then I realized what I did have – an inside look at the soup kitchen. I thought, what a gem.


Staying on Schedule

You can make schedules all day long. The challenge comes in implementing the schedule. Here’s the way I’ve looked at it: I’ve thought about how a hired housekeeper for a large home is able to stay on task, keep it immaculate, and cook meals in the process. The answer is: she doesn’t play around on Facebook all day, she doesn’t watch television in the middle of the morning, she doesn’t read a murder mystery in the middle of the afternoon — the housekeeper clocks in at a certain time in the morning, performs the daily tasks as the job description requires, and leaves in the evening. When I worked, I was able to do my job efficiently and exceptionally because I worked – all day long, I worked. I had a schedule, I kept it.


Menu Monday 25 APR 2011

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of April 25th. As far as desserts go, I’ve been really hungry for apple pie, so I think I’ll make a whole pie or a few turnovers. I also did a commissary trip this weekend, so my baking stash is replenished. I bought a couple bags of peanut butter chips – I may play around with a recipe using those.

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Creation: Resurrection Sunday

The price has been paid. The empty tomb is the proof of this truth. We have only but to embrace the truth, and we will experience a love that passes our ability to comprehend because that love for us is infinite and eternal. That love for us that comes from our immortal, eternal, infinite Creator.

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Calling All Fans…

Hallee the Homemaker has been nominated for Circle of Moms’ Top 25 Homeschooling Blogs!

Click the link to vote for your favorite Homeschooling blog.


The Dirty Dozen

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) performed more than 43,000 tests for pesticides on various types of produce in thousands of samplings. Their computer analysis revealed that consumers could reduce their exposure to pesticides by almost 90 percent by avoiding just the most contaminated fruits and vegetables. They came up with a list of the most pesticide-laden produce varieties.

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