The Blessings of Saint Patrick’s Day to You & Yours
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig! That is the Gaelic way of expressing the prayer that you have all the blessings of Saint Patrick’s Day and all of the “luck of the Irish” besides.
If you would like to know the amazing story of the man we call “St. Patrick,” read this article from last year. Here is a clip from it:
Great things often have humble beginnings. Did you know that Patrick, originally from Wales, was sold into slavery as a boy and spent six years of servitude in Ireland before he escaped and undertook religious training abroad? Once he completed his training, he made it his life’s mission to return to the land of his once captivity in order to free that people from spiritual bondage.
If you’d like a more entertaining version, I hope you enjoy this video produced by the makers of Veggie Tales.
If you’re looking for something fun to do with the kids, try these Shamrock Cupcakes!
In the spirit of this day, I pray that you are able to find spiritual renewal and remember to offer prayers for missionaries worldwide. I pray you have an opportunity to share the Gospel through a shamrock as Saint Patrick did, and use it as a catalyst to help someone learn more about our amazing Creator God, our Savior Jesus Christ, and our Helper the Holy Spirit.
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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You know, I woke up this morning without even realizing it was St. Patricks day. That was quickly remedied in my online wanderings. But, I’m with you on this one. The true story behind St. Patricks day is pretty amazing. I’ve wondered how many people know about it.