Tag: St. Patrick’s Day

Green Eggs

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

This morning, my boys asked for green eggs for breakfast. Since we just observed the shared birthday of Dr. Seuss and myself, the whole green egg concept isn’t strange to them.

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March Giveaway: From Debtor to Better & A Missions Giveaway!

So, in the spirit of St. Patrick, a Welsh slave who escaped captivity in Ireland only to return to the land of his captivity and preach the Gospel, this month’s giveaway will be what we’re calling a “Miss-Away” – a donation to your favorite mission. It can be your local church, a missionary group, a youth camp, an orphanage, your town’s soup kitchen — you choose and we will donate $100.00 and then showcase your favorite mission on Friday, March 23rd.

Because, the less you owe, the more you have, and the more you have, the more you can give back to God; because we live in a society so permeated by debt, so much of what we make has to go to get out of debt; in addition to this missions giveaway, the winner will also receive a copy of From Debtor to Better by Barry Myers. Barry and his wife, Stacy, of Stacy Makes Cents, in just 8 months were able to pay off $20,000 worth of debt on just $50,000 annual income!

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Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig

Saint Patrick’s Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, shamrocks and “luck.” To those who celebrate its intended meaning, Saint Patrick’s Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide. Of the many symbols we associate with this holiday, most notable is likely the Shamrock, which happens to be the National Flower of Ireland. Saint Patrick used the three leaves of the Shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to pagans and unbelievers.


March Giveaway: A Miss-Away

Welcome to March! As we enter into this month with a lion’s roar (and as I type this, a cold wind is blowing snow across my front lawn) and hopefully end it with a mew of a gentle lamb (mmm – Easter dinner), we’ll take some time during the changing of the seasons to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. There is, of course, more St. Patrick details coming in our near future, but for the purpose of the giveaway, let me quote to you from my St. Patrick’s Day future post:

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