March Giveaway: From Debtor to Better & A Missions Giveaway!
- By: Hallee
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Welcome to March! As we enter into this month with a lion’s roar (6 inches of snow on March 4th!) and hopefully end it with a mew of a gentle lamb (mmm – Passover dinner), we’ll take some time during the changing of the seasons to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Here is a quote from our St. Patrick’s Day post from last year:
To those who celebrate its intended meaning, Saint Patrick’s Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide. Of the many symbols we associate with this holiday, most notable is likely the Shamrock, which happens to be the National Flower of Ireland. Saint Patrick used the three leaves of the Shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to pagans and unbelievers.
So, in the spirit of St. Patrick, a Welsh slave who escaped captivity in Ireland only to return to the land of his captivity and preach the Gospel, this month’s giveaway will be what we’re calling a “Miss-Away” – a donation to your favorite mission. It can be your local church, a missionary group, a youth camp, an orphanage, your town’s soup kitchen — you choose and we will donate $100.00 and then showcase your favorite mission on Friday, March 23rd.
Because, the less you owe, the more you have, and the more you have, the more you can give back to God; because we live in a society so permeated by debt, so much of what we make has to go to get out of debt; in addition to this missions giveaway, the winner will also receive a copy of From Debtor to Better by Barry Myers. Barry and his wife, Stacy, of Stacy Makes Cents, in just 8 months were able to pay off $20,000 worth of debt on just $50,000 annual income!
From Debtor to Better: The Details of Debt and How to Get Out is not your average get-out-of-debt book. I don’t just want you to get out of debt, I want you to understand the monster that is debt and be equipped to not only tackle your own debt, but also know how to help others who may be struggling with their own debt issues.
As a financial counselor and former credit card debt collector, I share secrets in this book you won’t find in most other places. There isn’t a fancy plan in this book and there isn’t a complicated system to follow. I simply tell you what debt is, many of the pitfalls associated with it and what to do to get out as quickly and safely as possible. If you’re in the dark about how to handle your debt, this book is your flashlight! Let me teach you how to take control of your finances.
There are 8 ways to enter:
- Leave a comment below and tell us what your favorite mission is and why. If it’s possible, leave a link so that we can get to know them, too.
- Say a prayer for your mission, or another one on this list, and leave a comment saying that you did (or leave your prayer! I’m sure someone can get a blessing from that!)
- Visit Stacy’s website and look around. Tell me your favorite money-saving idea from Stacy. Leave a link in the comments to the post.
- Subscribe to my RSS feed — leave a comment telling me that you have or that you’re already subscribed.
- Subscribe to my email updates — leave a comment telling me that you have or that you’re already subscribed.
- Follow my Tweets on Twitter and leave a comment saying that you now tweet– or leave a comment saying that you already tweet me. Tweet about this giveaway, copying me at @halleeb on the tweet.
- Become a Fan of Hallee the Homemaker on Facebook. Leave a comment saying you did.
- Follow me on Google+. Leave a comment saying you did.
PLEASE leave a comment for each separate entry. I’d hate to not count one that should have been counted.
God bless you and I really look forward to learning about your favorite missions!
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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My favorite ministry (apart from my local fellowship) is a mission in Belo Horizonte Brazil called Casa Luzeiro ( It is particularly special to me and my family because the leaders are good friends of ours and we have visited on a couple of occasions to be part of the work. They focus on commu ity development through extracurricular programs for children, extended tutoring, football leagues, swimming classes among other things.
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Thanks for the support Hallee. :-)
I’m following you on twitter @JD4MaYO
I checked Stacy’s website out. It seems like a nice place to hang out with some iced tea. I found her story about going from coupon queen to a more natural life style. This is something that’s been laying heavy on my heart.
I “liked” her on Facebook to make sure I don’t miss anything. :-)
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Thanks for sharing this giveaway, Hallee! One other thing I’ll toss out is if folks want a free chapter of my book to see what it’s all about, they can go to my site ( and sign up for my emails on the right-hand side of the page. In doing so, they’ll get a free chapter on how to get out of car debt and find out how to never have another car payment.
One ministry I’d like to support and share through this giveaway is Bridge to Hope, working hard to love the people of Miami, FL.
Praying for the lovely folks serving at Bridge to Hope!
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I was tickled to read about using a CREDIT CARD for a good purpose — to scrape soap scum off the bathtub! LOL!
My favorite mission is Climbing for Christ
The Climbing For Christ mission is to take the Gospel to those visiting or living in mountainous areas of the world where other missionaries cannot or will not go.
I’m hoping to join their expeditions when my nest is empty in a few years.
Praying for Climbing for Christ in all their expeditions to many countries. Keep them safe, Lord God. Bring them the finances to continue their outreach. May they find favor in all their endeavors.
I love her tips on ways to use leftover produce. I work at a health food & produce store and bring home old produce all the time. I will be extending my blessings even more.
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I am already subscribed to your newsletter. Love it!
I LIKE Halle the Homemake on FB.
I’d like to nominate Walk Right in Ministries ( dedicated to equipping and connecting people with Christ-centered community and resources, especially when life is difficult. Founders were inspired by raising a child with Angelman Syndrome, and do an awesome work in coming alongside those facing similar struggles.
My favorite money saving tip from Stacy is 4 tips to make the most of a garage sale.
My favorite mission is my church. I go to a small church that needs lots of help. Several years ago the pastor did lots of things to decrease the number of members and we are still recovering. We’ve had a new pastor for 2 years now and things are getting better. My hope is to help younger families with children help our church to grow. I feel this is what God has called me to do. Helping this church would be a true blessing to everyone there. Here is a link to my church.
Heavenly Father, thank you for all of your wonderful blessings. I ask you to help each of these mission to flourish and to be a blessing to everyone involved with them. Give us the strength and courage to glorify you through these missions and everything that we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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My favorite mission is our local food pantry. They’re so small that I’m sure they don’t have a website.
I’m saying a prayer for the other missions mentioned.
I liked reading about For Sale By Owner – Under Contract
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My favorite mission is Be Joyful in Hope … a bi-continental mission that transforms the lives of Ukrainian orphans. They bring them here for nutrition, doctors visits, and cultural experience while saturating them with God’s love, but they also run camps for orphans in Ukraine and are raising up national missionaries there. and
I *totally* follow you on FB ;)
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Spent some time praying for Be Joyful In Hope today!