It would be nearly impossible to remark on any one specific thing that stands out to me when I listened to the end of the “Old Testament” with God’s own words and then the beginning of the Gospel According to Matthew, which contains everything from the Sermon on the Mount through the Lord’s Prayer and into Christ’s ministries on earth.
Tag: God
The number one thing on my list of “that for which I am thankful” has to be grace. Because of my faith, through God’s grace, I am saved. I am cleaned of my sins and considered righteous in God’s eyes. NOT because I do everything right, but as a free gift of love from God.
Pin ItAs I read this chapter 5 of Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets them Free, I could not help but think of the preview for the movie I Don’t Know How She Does It. The Plugged In review said:
Pin ItBy way of introduction to chapter 2 of of Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss (previously titled Walking in the Truth) “Lies Women Believe About God”, I think what Nancy said best says it:
Pin ItNow here we are at Easter again. The very basis for our faith, for our lives, is that Jesus Christ paid the payment for our sins by suffering and dying on the cross, was buried in a tomb and resurrected on the third day, then He ascended into Heaven and sits at Father God’s right hand. That is the core of everything we believe, the reason we live the way we live, and our message to the world.
When almost no one was around, he asked me if he could speak to me. With the way he’d eaten, I thought he was going to ask for some food to take home, and I was already doing a mental inventory of what I could give him.
Instead, he asked me if I could read a passage from the Bible for him. He looked around but saw no Bibles sitting out and said, “That is, if you can find one.”
Hundreds and even thousands of years before Jesus the Messiah was born in Bethlehem, God spoke through men like Moses, David, Isaiah, and Micah to tell us about Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. In order for Jesus to be the true Messiah, He had to fulfill every prophecy that was ever spoken and written about him…and He did. Every single one!