Tip: Saving Money On Yeast

I make all of my bread homemade.  About a month into making this commitment, it occurred to me that yeast, the way I was purchasing it, isn’t cheap.  On sale, it seems like I could find the three-envelops of yeast for about $1.10.  One loaf of bread, one batch of buns, one patch of pita bread, two pizza doughs — all of those take one envelope of yeast.

When we decided to purchase a grain mill and were making an online purchase for wheat berries, we stumbled upon blocks of one-pound containers of yeast.  On this particular website, the one-pound block was $6.  At Sam’s Club, I’ve found a two-pack of one-pound each Fleischmans Yeast for $5.  But, for the sake of argument, let’s use the $6 price since not everyone can shop at Sam’s Club.

One one-pound block of yeast is the equivalent of 16 ounces.  Each envelope is one-fourth of an ounce.  That means that each pound block contains 64 envelopes worth.  That means that it makes 64 loaves of bread, 64 batches of rolls, 64 batches of pita bread, or 128 pizza crusts.

For $6, you’re getting what you would pay $21+ for in envelopes.

That is a SIGNIFICANT savings.

My concern when I purchased the block is that it would not work as well as the envelopes.  I can tell you that my experience has been that it works BETTER than the envelopes, and is easier.  I just keep it in an air-tight container in the refrigerator, and measure out 2¼ tsp for every envelope for which the recipe calls.


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