The Garden – Week 2

Everything is still kind of starting off this week.

We’ve had a lot of rain and very little warm weather, so hopefully when the sun comes back, everything will just explode.

There’s corn popping up, slowly.

No peas yet, but there’s a few green beans.

Radishes have been up for a while.

And onions popped up today!

The potato garbage can experiment is just about full of dirt.  There are three plants (as you can see) that are taller than the others.  So, they’re up out of the dirt in this picture and the others are just about to break the surface.  (In fact, I took these pictures on Tuesday, and Wednesday morning they were all above the surface.)  There are actually 12 potato plants growing right now.

Lettuce has started growing.

And my seedlings are just growing and growing.  I can’t wait to plant them in the big garden.

I purchased the shoe sleeve for the herb garden I’m going to container grow.  I’m just waiting for the seedlings to get big enough to transplant.

I also have strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and grape bushes that have been planted.  On top of that, my apple tree is full of baby apples!

How is your garden coming?


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