Month: February 2010

March Giveaway: A Miss-Away

Welcome to March! As we enter into this month with a lion’s roar (and as I type this, a cold wind is blowing snow across my front lawn) and hopefully end it with a mew of a gentle lamb (mmm – Easter dinner), we’ll take some time during the changing of the seasons to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. There is, of course, more St. Patrick details coming in our near future, but for the purpose of the giveaway, let me quote to you from my St. Patrick’s Day future post:


Hot Potato Salad

Because of a really bad incident in WWII with my grandfather’s unit involving some bad potato salad and several resulting deaths, my family members have never been big potato salad eaters.

Apparently, I made this recipe up because it is made and served right away, avoiding any bad spoilage issues. My mom always made this dish to go with barbecued chicken. It is the perfect flavor accompaniment for the tangy smokiness of the sauce. She insists that I made the recipe up one night when she made BBQ chicken. I honestly can’t remember that, and I can’t remember her ever not making it. But I’ve always been very active in the kitchen, so it’s possible that as a child I came up with the recipe.

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

According to the Abs Diet for Women, smoothies are perfect for meal substitutions (and when I say that, I’m referring to a lifestyle that has you eating something every couple of hours, not substituting only one of 2 or 3 meals a day – I believe that would not be beneficial to your body or your mind) and as potent snacks. The author says that they work for a number of reasons:

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Surviving Separation: Your Face

This is part five in a series about surviving separation from your spouse. When Gregg and I first met, it was 357 miles from his driveway to mine. Right before we were married, his National Guard unit was activated and he moved from Anniston, AL, to Birmingham, AL, to prepare for deployment. This made the distance right around 330 miles.


Macaroni & Cheese with Turkey Ham

This is the perfect comfort food casserole. It’s also a big favorite at pot lucks and church dinners. It is also a quick fix. The cheese sauce can easily be made while the pasta is cooking. The timing almost always works perfectly for me that when I’m done with the sauce, the pasta is perfect and ready to drain. If you leave the turkey ham out of the recipe, it’s the perfect casserole main dish for a Lent evening.

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Hearty 16-Bean Soup

When we bought the wheat berries for my grain mill, we went ahead and added a 6-gallon bucket of 16-bean soup mix. The shipping was moderate because we already had a good sized shipment coming, and the price per pound was WAY cheaper than an already cheap meal that much cheaper.

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