Tag: Hospitality/Recreation

Tip: Adjustable Measuring Cup

I have a very dear friend named Nicki. One weekend, while we were visiting them, she made pancakes. She pulled out an adjustable measuring cup and measured everything with it – wet and dry ingredients. I was dully impressed. Then I forgot all about it. A year or two later, I was at a kitchen products party and saw one and promptly purchased it, trying to figure out just how I planned to explain to my husband why I spent $10 on a measuring cup when I had a drawer full of plastic ones, stainless steel ones, and glass liquid ones in all different shapes and sizes.


Menu Monday 28 Dec 09

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of December 28th. As far as desserts go, my sister bought me a crème brûlée torch for Christmas, with the orders that I’m to make her crème brûlée while I’m here at my parents’ house. We are also traveling at the beginning and end of this week. If we are able to make a dessert at home, it will be star shaped cookies to celebrate New Year’s Day.

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Real Photos

Both boys were in their Christmas sweaters for church and I wanted to take a picture of how cute they were to send to my husband, Gregg, in Afghanistan. The second I pulled out the camera, they started crying. Wailing. Rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth. It was so dramatic. The tears immediately dried up the second I threw my hands in the air and gave up.


Menu Monday 21 Dec 2009

This is the last week before Christmas, and I’ll be preparing to go out of town for several days. Two things are going to be different because of that: (1) I am going to be doing different breakfasts so that I can do a “Christmas Breakfast Ideas” post; and (2) the meals toward the end of the week will be very simple with little chance of leftovers. We are leaving 4AM Thursday morning, so my menu will end with Wednesday.

Here’s the menu plan for my family for the week of Monday, December 21st.

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Turkey Burgers with Basil Mayonnaise

I didn’t used to like ground turkey. Back in my previous life with no grocery budget to speak of, I’d buy ground turkey because it was cheaper than ground beef. But it was gristly and just didn’t taste good. I came across some ground turkey breast on a manager’s special at my grocery store and thought I’d give it another go. After much searching, I found this amazing recipe. I’ve made it twice now, tweaked it a bit here and there, and it is a WONDERFUL sandwich.

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Stuffed Red Velvet Cookies

In my wanderings to find the perfect red velvet cookie, I came across this recipe. It looked wonderful, so I tired it. However, I did not make the stuffing. I simply made the cookie. I had to mail these to Gregg, and cream cheese needs to be refrigerated in transport. I’m STILL hearing from soldiers about how amazing these cookies are, a good week after they were eaten.

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Terrific Turkey Pot Pie

There’s just something really comforting about cracking open the pot pie crust and getting that first fragrance of wholesome, healthy goodness. The textures and the flavors are such a delight. PERFECT comfort food.

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