Tag: Honey Oatmeal Bread

Menu Monday 06 DEC 10

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of December 6th. Wow. Is it really December already? Outside of my home in central Kentucky, the world is blanketed in snow, while inside my tree lights are quietly blinking – yet it’s hard to imagine how quickly the last year has gone. I will be putting together a Christmas menu, just like I did with my Thanksgiving Extravaganza, so be on the lookout for that.

This is a busy week – we have something almost every night. As such, my dinners are simplified and will be easier to make ahead of time so that we can eat as we have an opportunity. As far as desserts go, I still owe you a recipe for whole wheat chocolate chip cookies – and my cookie jar is nothing but crumbs. I hope to get to that this week!

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Menu Monday 27 SEP 2010 – Week 1 of Daniel Fast

This week, I begin a 21-Day Daniel Fast. My blog post about that can be found here, but basically, it’s vegan extreme – and I’m throwing in my own personal restriction to unleavened bread only. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m going to allow the kids some meat and dairy, so they’re not doing it with me. I’ll go ahead and list all of the meals so that you can see how I’m doing it.

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Menu Monday 20 SEP 2010

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of September 20th. Wow! I can’t believe that Autumn is imminent. I love autumn cooking — rich stews made with root veggies, apples, squashes. YUM! As far as desserts go, I’m making an apple rosetta pie for my friend, Rose. I am mailing Gregg a box so I need to make some Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Chip Cookies. I am also going to attempt a Yummy Yellow Cake made with fresh ground whole wheat flour and see how that turns out taste and texturally.

Sunday I’ll be fasting completely, and next week I’ll be observing a Daniel Fast. I’ll write more about that later this week.

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Menu Monday 13 SEP 10

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of September 13th. This is my first week with my new schedule, so I will be doing all of my baking on Monday. My husband has requested Whole Wheat Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Chip Oatmeal Cookies. I also may try my hand at carrot cake – something I have never made before but something I’ve always wanted to try. A friend of mine posted on her Facebook a chocolate chip whole wheat pumpkin muffin recipe and said it was delicious. I have the rest of last year’s pumpkin in the freezer still, and pumpkins growing in the garden that will be used to replace the stash, so I need to do some pumpkin baking. I think chocolate chip pumpkin muffins is a brilliant use of my supply.

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Menu Monday 30 Aug 2010

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of August 30th. As far as desserts go, I’m going to make a chocolate pudding with fresh cream one night. I think that I’ll also make some DoodleRoo’s Scrumptious Snickerdoodles! We will be going to my nephew’s 3rd birthday, and I’m making some Lightning McQueen cupcakes for that.

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Menu Monday 24 Aug 2010

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of August 24th. As far as desserts go, my cake plate is empty. I think we need a cake. I have a coconut and saw a fresh coconut cake recipe. If I can find that recipe (I read it in a doctor’s office several weeks ago) I think I’ll give it a go. Kaylee’s favorite is coconut. We have a cookie jar about half filled with Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon Chip Cookies that Gregg and I made with homemade cinnamon chips (we didn’t like the ingredients in the Hershey’s brand.) I’ll be posting that recipe and process, and likely will make him another batch to mail to him with a box that has to go out next week. Kaylee has also requested chocolate chunk cookies (recipe to follow) for her lunches next week.

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