Announcing…Squash Week!

Next week, we will be at Glen Eden Youth Camp.  Glen Eden Youth Center, Inc was established in the Appalachian moutains of Kentucky by Gregg’s great-grandfather, Rev. John R Chambers.  It is a ministry to the underprivileged Appalachian youth – a week of outdoor fun coupled with morning devotionals and evening worship services.  It is located on over 600 acres in the beautiful mountainous area of the North Fork of the Kentucky River.   We have family coming in for camp from all over the country, we have brothers and sisters in Christ who come whom we only see once a year.  This is an amazing week – there is nothing like it.

There is no cell phone service up there, no internet connection.  We’re thankful the land-line telephone works. As such, the blog is going to be set up to post posts all week, and that’s all we can do.  If something goes wrong, we won’t know about it.  If someone comments and it goes to moderation, we won’t be able to approve the comment until we get home.  If someone emails, we won’t be able to answer.

Because I have an over-abundance of squash, I’ve been playing with all different kinds of squash recipes.  I’ve dubbed next week “Squash Week!”  Not quite as exciting as Shark Week, but way more practical to my readers.  (Do you like my squash shark for Squash Week?  I bemoaned the fact that I wished I could come up with a shark carved out of a squash, went to a dentist appointment, and returned to a shark carved out of a squash!  I love my husband SO MUCH.)  On top of the squash recipes, Gregg will have his Critical Thinking posts publish both Sundays, and on Saturdays, I have a Power of a Praying Wife this week and a new book that I will be starting at Seeds of Faith next week.

Enjoy your week.  Please pray for us every day as we minister to this mountain community.  We work all year long for this one seven-day period of service.



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