I hope you enjoyed Squash Week! Gregg and I have decided to make this an annual event, and will have a linky for everyone to link to their favorite squash recipes next year. But for now, here is a wrap up of all of the summer squash and zucchini recipes on the Hallee the Homemaker site to date.
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This colorful salad can be a nice change of pace from the traditional Coastal Cole Slaw type salad. You can use zucchini or yellow squash. It is perfect for the summer picnic, because there is no mayonnaise in it.
Pin ItThis is an amazing recipe for making something new and different with all of that fresh produce coming out of the garden. You are getting such a wide variety of fresh vegetables, all kinds of good for your body vitamins and minerals, and is something different from the standard sauteing that I tend to do as a default.
Pin ItThis recipe came about because I went to make you Sautéed Summer Squash, only my yellow squash in my kitchen I had picked the day before disappeared (and since was found, in a small piece with dog teeth marks on it – quite curious). Not willing to let that quell me, but not wanting you to be stuck with just zucchini and onion in the recipe – I decided to utilize some of the radishes fresh out of my garden. The result was simply amazing. I will definitely be adding radishes to my squash sautés from now on.
Pin ItI spent the last several weeks desperately trying to come up with some ideas other than zucchini bread for all of this squash I have cropping up, and stumbled upon this recipe. It’s PHENOMENAL. Very light soup – would be a perfect first course.
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