Baking on a Massive Scale

A local church is facilitating a bake sale for our family’s youth summer camp for disadvantaged youths.  The bake sale commences at 8AM on Saturday morning at our local Wal-Mart (and Wal-Mart will match whatever we make in the bake sale!)

It has been REALLY hot out there lately, so we’ve been trying to plan what to bake that will handle the heat.  For instance, I think chocolate chip (or cinnamon chip) cookies would become big gooey messes, and icing would likely slide off of any cakes.

I said I would do some fruit pies and some breads.  So, between now and 8AM Saturday morning (because I have not started yet because I have not had a single second to do more than think about what to make), here is my list of what I plan to contribute to the bake sale.  What will hinder me is the lack of containers in which to let the bread rise.  If I had a limitless amount of ceramic bowls, I would be able to do more:

  • 10 loaves (5 batches) of Whole Wheat Honey Oatmeal Bread
  • 5 batches of French Bread.  I say 5 batches, because I don’t know if I’m going to make 2 regular-sized loaves or 4 mini-loaves from each batch.  So, it may be 10 loaves, 20 loaves, or somewhere in between.
  • 10 mini loaves, 4 loaves, and at least one dozen muffins of Grandma Poe’s Zucchini Bread
  • At least 4 of Household 6 Diva’s Apple Rosette Pies.  I’ve never made it, so if it’s easier than I think it will be, I’ll make a few more.  I think they will be big sellers because they’re beautiful.  I may experiment and try to make a few individual ones as well.
  • At least 4 pumpkin pies (somehow, my recipe is not posted – I will rectify that soon), and maybe a batch of individual pumpkin pies.
  • At least 4 cherry pies.
  • At least 4 peach pies made with my Perfectly Preserved Peach Pie Filling.
  • A double batch of Scrumptious Cinnamon Honey Scones with Raisins, that I will cut in the traditional scone shape and drizzle with some icing.

All of the recipes will be made using fresh milled flour.  I look forward to next Tuesday’s post where you can see my process, results, mess, and just general fun!


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