Tag: Hallee’s Galley

The Best Bread & Butter Pickles – Ever

Bread and butter pickles are an absolute favorite of mine. They’re kind of a savory/sweet combination that only a pickle can achieve. This recipe is straight from the Ball Book of Home Preserving. I consider Ball the the foremost expert on all things preserving and will almost always refer to them to answer any questions pertaining to preserving.

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Garden Update Video Blog Week 8

You get to see my weedy garden in this garden update. I have spent hours in the garden since returning from vacation. This is what it looked like when we got home:
So, while it may seem like I need to weed, be impressed with what I accomplished (HA!).


The Garden: Week 4

This has been a very strange beginning for my garden. I was late getting any seeds planted, for one. The day that I planted my seeds, it was 90 degrees outside, so I went ahead and put corn, beans, winter and summer squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, radishes, carrots, and onions into the ground, worried I was too late. But the next weekend, the temperature drastically dropped. I don’t think it actually froze, but on my morning walk one morning, I saw several houses that had outside plants covered in protection, so if it didn’t frost, it came really close.

The end result? One single green bean plant grew, one single winter squash plant grew, and one single cucumber grew.

No melons or summer squash came up. Last week, I planted more, but put them in seed trays instead. Which, is probably a good thing, because last night it got down to 40.
The radishes, onions and carrots are doing great. I haven’t weeded around the carrots, because they’re still very young.
I had a friend give me a couple dozen tomato plants that are in the ground. They are still very small and hard to see:
I even have a little tomato growing already:
I have mixed batch of lettuce growing in a container:
I replanted the corn, and while I was taking pictures, found two of the four rows I planted growing (this picture was taken before I thinned them out.). No idea what happened to the other two rows. I have more planted, though, and will see what happens next. I will also plant green beans that grow on a vine instead of a bush at the base of these corn once I get in there and thin them out.
I have two blueberry bushes that had a nice amount of blooms on them this spring.
I also have a grape plant that has survived multiple hits with the lawn mower. I’d love to plant another one and build an arbor right where this one is and see if I can get some grapes out of them!
And, when cleaning out along my back fence, I found a massive blackberry bush!
And, as always, my horseradish plant is going to take over the world one day. This plant is four years old now. I’ve even cut off two major chunks of it to share with friends.
So, here in this Memorial Day Weekend…how does your garden grow?


Homemade Pasta – So Easy a Four-Year-Old Can Do It

When I fired up my stand mixer to make this dough into fettuccine noodles to go with the Turkey Sausage Spaghetti Sauce I’d made, my 4-year-old, Jeb, came running into the room. He wanted to help. He’s a pro at the pasta machine (as all my kids are), so I just let him go at it and filmed it. This is unscripted, and impromptu, so I apologize for the unsteady camera and the lighting.

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Nothing To It Tasty Turkey Breakfast Sausage

Even though we don’t eat pork, I love sausage. But, reading the label of the brand of turkey sausage that I used to buy, I realized that they used BHA and BHT in their sausage — two preservatives that I tend to want to avoid. So, I started looking at making my own sausage and discovered that it is surprisingly easy to make — all you need is a pound of ground turkey and some spices that are likely already on hand.

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Menu Monday 14 JAN 13

Welcome to my weekly menu!

This week is going to be a low-key week for me. Because my 6-year-old was sick with the flu all last week, I lost a week of working (I don’t work when my kids are home). Thankfully, I’d had several blog posts already queued, so the blog went without a hitch. But, the surprise book I want to release on February 14th is really getting to crunch time. If you wanted a copy of my Budgeting Spreadsheet, make sure you leave a comment in the post. I also wanted to thank everyone for the amazing responses to With Fear & Trembling.

The “rules” of our household diet can be found in the tab above labeled Hallee’s Galley and further explained in Our Diet.

I usually serve leftovers for lunch the next day, or we’ll save them during the week to graze lunch on the weekends. We try to have a few meals a week vegetarian (see my post on eating meat) and eat fish at least one meal a week. One meal a week is usually a “Dinner Out” meal.

Almost all of the breads are homemade using fresh milled flour. I’ll continue to link to my recipes as I post them. Our daily bread is Whole Wheat Honey Oatmeal Bread.

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of January 14th. As far as desserts go, it’s rainy and cold outside as I type this, so that puts me in the mood for some sort of steamy hot fruit cobbler. I also made some Apple Fritters Sunday morning for breakfast. Oh my, they were good. Kaylee has asked me to add them to the standard weekly meal.

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