Tag: Facebook

Snakebook and other Human Distancers

In our fallen world, my duties are pretty clear as the male half of the Biblical ONE that is our holy state of matrimony. I am to follow the “three P’s” principle to act as high Priest of my home, Provide for my home, and Protect my home and loved ones. That is what the Bible requires of husbands and fathers.

If you read the third Chapter of Genesis, you will discover the very often overlooked fact that Adam was standing right next to his wife the entire time the serpent tempted her…

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30 Days of Thankfulness Day 10

I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I hate it because it sucks my life away. In order to have a presence there, you must be a presence there. So, when I could be doing a million other things, I have to be present.

I love it because I have made so many incredible friends through social media (including meeting my husband in a long ago pioneer form of social media called an AOL chat room). I also know that I know that if it weren’t for social media, this blog and my writing career would only have a fraction of the success they’ve had.


Facebook Sucks Follow-Up: Homemaking with Hallee on Google+

In a follow-up to my Facebook Sucks post, I decided to make a move.

A new feature on Google+ is communities. As soon as it started, I became a member of a number of writers’ communities. I did a search recently for “homemaking” within the communities and only found 5 — three of which were private groups. So, I thought, why not start one? Obviously, there’s a hole there.

So I created a community on Google+. I would LOVE for this to become more than just a place for me to share – my vision is for it to become a regular hangout for homemakers, homemaking bloggers, wives, moms, and just friends in general.

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Facebook Sucks

I’m pretty much done.

In the past, I often encouraged conversation on all of the social media sites, but Twitter and Google+ are full of so many people that your voice is just a whisper in the crowd. Now on Facebook, where it used to be fun to spark conversation, they have effectively shut the door in your face and blocked you from the crowd.

I’ve developed a newsletter sign-up, where I will announce book news. And, I have this blog and my writing blog. But, as far as major social media interaction, it just can’t happen anymore because Facebook isn’t allowing it to happen. If you want to make sure you don’t miss any news or any posts, my suggestion is to subscribe to emails where you will get the blog in your email account the morning it posts and sign up for my newsletter.


If You’re a Facebook Fan You Want to Read This

Here is a detailed blog article explaining the OVERLY COMPLICATED and RIDICULOUSLY CONFUSING steps on how to make sure your favorite pages (like Hallee the Homemaker) actually show up in your news feed.

And if I have enough fans willing to migrate over to Google+, I may lead the charge.

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Things I’ve Learned This Week

This week was my first full week totally focused on this new venture as an “official” novelist. I’m working on my trilogy, focusing this week on the first one (Sapphire Ice) and the third one (Topaz Heat). Sapphire publishes this month. I’ve been working on final edits, getting feedback from a set of beta readers, writing the blurb, and working with the cover artist. Gregg has been researching how to publish it and all of the details and nuances involved within that big giant convoluted world (he sends me technical articles in emails titled, “Stuff I Read So That You Don’t Have To” — and when I skim through them I’m reminded of how much I love and adore my husband), and tweaking this blog.

On Topaz, I’ve been filling in the holes after the first draft, re-writing chapters, and fluffing out thoughts and feelings in scenes. I could do that all day long, really. I love writing.

I’ve also been trying to create a web presence as Hallee Bridgeman, Novelist, as opposed to Hallee the Homemaker. Which requires reading and commenting on author blogs as opposed to homemaker blogs, working the Facebook and Twitter scene as Hallee Bridgeman instead of Hallee the Homemaker, and learning how Google+ operates.

I’ve learned a few things this week:


About Me

I’m the girl you want around you in a crisis. I become very methodical, very level-headed. I have no emotional response to what’s happening and function very efficiently.


Just Do It

I saw Cathy of Cathy’s Creations post a link on Facebook a few days ago with a story about the staggering number of orphans post earthquake/tsunami in Japan. She said, “I wish there was something I/we could do for these children.” It got me thinking.


It’s a Dismally Lonely Business, Writing

This morning while working, I stopped to use a thesaurus. I use on online thesaurus. I have one built into my writing program that’s good, but I like the online thesaurus best because, well, I guess just because. So, whenever I use it, which is all the time, I leave the writing program and go online (and maybe check Facebook and my comments here – heh.)

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