I’m not strict about turning things off on Saturdays. They don’t have time to do a lot during the school week, and on Sundays we only watch shows that are about God or The Bible. So, I tend to give them free reign on Saturdays. As summer approached, it became clear to me that the boys were anticipating every day during summer being like Saturdays. I realized I had to quell those thoughts.
Month: May 2013
This has been a very strange beginning for my garden. I was late getting any seeds planted, for one. The day that I planted my seeds, it was 90 degrees outside, so I went ahead and put corn, beans, winter and summer squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, radishes, carrots, and onions into the ground, worried I was too late. But the next weekend, the temperature drastically dropped. I don’t think it actually froze, but on my morning walk one morning, I saw several houses that had outside plants covered in protection, so if it didn’t frost, it came really close.
The end result? One single green bean plant grew, one single winter squash plant grew, and one single cucumber grew.
No melons or summer squash came up. Last week, I planted more, but put them in seed trays instead. Which, is probably a good thing, because last night it got down to 40.
The radishes, onions and carrots are doing great. I haven’t weeded around the carrots, because they’re still very young.
I had a friend give me a couple dozen tomato plants that are in the ground. They are still very small and hard to see:
I even have a little tomato growing already:
I have mixed batch of lettuce growing in a container:
I replanted the corn, and while I was taking pictures, found two of the four rows I planted growing (this picture was taken before I thinned them out.). No idea what happened to the other two rows. I have more planted, though, and will see what happens next. I will also plant green beans that grow on a vine instead of a bush at the base of these corn once I get in there and thin them out.
I have two blueberry bushes that had a nice amount of blooms on them this spring.
I also have a grape plant that has survived multiple hits with the lawn mower. I’d love to plant another one and build an arbor right where this one is and see if I can get some grapes out of them!
And, when cleaning out along my back fence, I found a massive blackberry bush!
And, as always, my horseradish plant is going to take over the world one day. This plant is four years old now. I’ve even cut off two major chunks of it to share with friends.
So, here in this Memorial Day Weekend…how does your garden grow?
What about Acts 10:9-16? God showed Peter a vision of many “unclean” animals and told him that what God had sanctified we are not to call unclean. It is probably more healthy to eat a Levitical diet, but as far as it being a present day biblical mandate I cannot agree with that one.
Pin ItstreetLeaving for church last night, as I started down my street, I saw two little girls and a little toddler boy walking up the sidewalk. Something about them wasn’t right. They looked wrong. So, I stopped the car and rolled the window down. They were right in front of my house at that point and I was two doors down. One of the girls turned toward my car and started toward me. I got out of the car and said, “Are you okay?”
She said, “I can’t wake up my daddy, and we’re looking for Kendall’s house. She lives here somewhere.”
I was really upset about this email, because Scott turns 7 in July. We purposefully red-shirted him and started him in Kindergarten when was already 6. What I read when I read this was that they were considering retention. I said something to a friend who has a middle schooler with Aspergers, and she said, “Call and ARC meeting.”
In celebration of the emerald being the traditional birthstone for the month of May, ebooks of Emerald Fire, Book 2 of the Jewel Trilogy, will be priced at 0.99!
Pin ItWhile you’re breaking the ground, tilling the earth, planting seeds, watering, babying, weeding, and praying, all around is an abundance of nutrition that is ready-made, requires no help from you, and will even come up through a sidewalk crack if it has to.
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