A Melody for James: Sneak Peak

melodyforjamesfinalv1.3We are quickly approaching the June 15th release date! Here is a brief excerpt of A Melody for James, Book 1 of the Song of Suspense Series:

“Tell me about the song you wrote this morning,” James said.

Melody sat back, full and content, and smiled. “I can play it for you if you’d like,” she said, gesturing to the baby grand piano on the platform by the huge window. “I loved what I was hearing as I wrote it down.”

“I’d love that.”

Melody tossed her napkin on top of her plate and stood. “Let me grab the notebook.” As she opened her bag, her phone rang. The number looked weird – an international number she didn’t recognize. She thought of a couple of friends on European tours, so she answered without caution.


The voice on the other end was unrecognizable, heavily accented with maybe a Russian accent. “There is only one reason to send you messages.”

Not quite comprehending the call, she said, “Oh?”

“Yes. It is so that I can put you on edge. It makes the end so much sweeter to know that you’re afraid, rather than oblivious.”

Tingling fear swept her limbs, leaving her weak. “Who is this?” she whispered with an outward breath.

“You will never know. And that makes it funny.” After a long pause he said, “I knew his wife, you know.”

“I beg your pardon?” Uneasy, Melody shifted her eyes to James. He clearly saw something wrong because he immediately was by her side. Melody pulled the phone away from her ear as if it hurt to have it touch her skin. With a swipe of her thumb, she put the phone into speaker mode.

“Unlike you, she didn’t know she was going to die.”

No sound preempted the line going dead. One minute the call was connected, the next it wasn’t. With a cry, Melody dropped her phone.

Solitary strangers meet during a stormy stopover.
Hours later, their hearts hum a harmonious duet.

Melody Mason has the hottest female voice in the country music scene. But the cheers of throngs of adoring fans mean little in the absence of the handsome stranger who rescued her years before. Widower James Montgomery has never forgotten her. He prays God can bring her back.

Incredible events finally bring them face to face again. Together at last, they realize the bond between them has miraculously risen to a crescendo, melodiously marrying them like strong symphonic chords. Uncannily, they learn they share more in common than they could have ever imagined. They know God reunited them for a purpose.

Sinister forces threaten to destroy their new found happiness. The couple must work in close concert, placing all their faith in God as they solve the deadly mystery that ties their lives inexplicably together.

Fire, loss, and bloodshed cannot shake their faith in God to see them through as they face a percussive climax that leaves hearts and lives forever changed.

Look for A Melody for James June 15th wherever books are sold!


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