Year: 2012

It’s a Struggle – One I Seem to be Losing

Ceasing of constant motion coupled with a desire to eat constantly has resulted in exactly in what you would imagine it would result. I don’t have a scale, and I don’t have a full length mirror, so I have no idea how much weight I’ve gained. But, my wedding rings are tight, my clothes are tight, and we spent the weekend in a hotel that had mirrors on it seemed like every wall and I was faced with the very real fact that, even though I walk four miles a day, every single day, six days a week, I have gained a serious amount of weight.

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Political Apathy & Personal Convictions

I have also discovered that the closer I got to God, the less either political party’s platform appealed to me. And the more I realized that “the church” – as in the body of God as a whole – has completely abdicated all responsibility for the directions from Christ to the government. I’m more interested in the church taking back those ordained responsibilities than I am in supporting a government of human agendas driven by greed.

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Menu Monday 05 NOV 12 – Election Day & Veterans Day Week!

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of November 5th. I cannot believe that I typed ‘November’ as the month. Wow! I have been insanely finishing a book – if my week goes as planned, I’ll finish Monday or Wednesday this week and will hand it over to my editor. I’m anxious to finish it, because I’m anxious to start the next book. I doubt I’ll even take a day off as this book is flooding my mind and interfering with everything as I mentally work through the story.

Despite all that, my family still has to eat – HA! That has been a big challenge for me as I have spent the last two months turning my writing life into a full time focus — how to do that and keep up with real food. I’ve done it, and I’ll say that the only way I’ve been able to do it is through planning. Meal planning and sticking to the plan keep me sane.

So, this week is volleyball banquet, superhero party, and Veterans’ Day all rolled into one! As far as desserts go, I made some Oatmeal Cinnamon Chip Raisin Cookies and sent some to a friend’s car dealership. That Sunday at church, I was bombarded by his employees asking me to send more cookies. I plan to do that this week, as well as make some Super Hero Sugar Cookies for our church’s Super Hero Party the boys will be attending Friday night. I also have a photo shoot for my author promotions and book covers this Saturday, so the menu Saturday night may be changed to read “dinner out with my handsome veteran husband” instead of something I cook.

Lastly, don’t forget that Topaz Heat is on sale this month for just 99 cents!

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Milk: It Does a Body Good?

In the mid-nineteenth century, dirty dairies providing tainted milk to cities caused outbreaks of tuburculosis and other sickness that resulted in a number of fatalities. Rather than setting good standards for clean dairies and good handling practices, the solution was to pasteurize milk.

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My Cleaning Kit

My home has three levels – and I’m up and down two flights of stairs several times a day. I do not have the storage space on the main floor or on the top floor in which to store cleaning supplies, so I have a “Cleaning Kit” that I carry around with me.

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Food Battles

My mom told me, years ago when Kaylee was just a baby, that there were two areas that a child felt like they had control: eating and sleeping. With everything else, they could not control you or your responses, but for some reason, they feel like they can control food and sleeping.

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