Year: 2012

A New Phase: Dating

A new phase in our life: dating is about to begin.

I thought I would resist the notion. I assumed there would be some internal denial that this could be happening and that my daughter should not be old enough to go on a date with a boy. But, somehow, I’m kind of excited about this new tide. I’m excited for her. I’m not looking forward to heartbreak and tears, or the kind of pain that only a boy can bring. But I am looking forward to the stress of the right outfit for the right date, talking to her about life, and watching her continue to blossom into adulthood.


Super Black Friday to Cyber Monday Sale!!

Beginning at 12:01 a.m. EST Friday morning, and ending at 11:59 p.m. EST Monday night, all of my books will be on sale!

In e-book form they will be only $0.99!

In autographed paperback, they will be only $6.99 plus shipping!


Sometimes Discount is the Same

The other day, Kroger had butter on sale for $2.29 per pound. Gregg called me and said that the Aldi in Lexington had butter for $1.89 per pound as a regular, non-sale price. Aldi is a super discount grocery store. I told Gregg I didn’t necessarily know about getting butter from there. He stopped and bought one pound just for me to check it out.


Honey French Salad Dressing

I love making my own salad dressing. I haven’t bought packaged dressing in a long time. This is one of my all time favorite dressings. The first time I made it, I ate salad at every opportunity just so that I could have this dressing. It is tangy with just the right flavoring. I love the garlic mixed with the honey.

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Skunk – Eww

Then I saw Nina, running toward me, stopping every two feet or so to drag her face on the grass. And, I knew. I knew before she even reached me.

She’d been sprayed, point blank range, right in the face by a skunk.


What Veterans’ Day Means to Me

I love this country. It is truly the greatest country on earth, with so much promise and potential. I get annoyed a lot of times at gluttony, greed, laziness, entitlement, etc., and I sometimes forget and let those feelings overshadow the fact that there is so much good here, so much hard work that built this land — that we live in a land that people actually die trying to get to.

I am so proud of the military legacy of my family. I pray that my sons continue it, and continue to fight for and stand for America. Here is my annual “What Veteran’ Day Means to Me” posting of the honor of my family’s service to our country:

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Monthly Reminder ☺

In my post about cancer awareness month, I encouraged everyone to order a free breast self exam shower card here and to use it. Select a day once a month to do a self-exam. I also encouraged everyone to find a buddy and remind each other to do your breast exams.

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