Homemade Half & Half
You’d think with a name like “half & half” that there would be some logic surrounding figuring out what it is. But, strangely, there’s not. At least, there wasn’t for me. I had to look it up.
Half & half is exactly what it sounds like. Half cream, half milk.
All you do is mix equal parts milk with equal parts heavy cream. I typically make it in one cup (each) increments, for a total of two cups of half & half.
That is seriously it. I store it in a mason jar with a lid in my refrigerator.
Once I tasted it homemade, I quit buying it pre-made all together. It’s richer and creamier, somehow, homemade. Besides, I buy milk all the time, and I buy cream all the time — it doesn’t make sense to also buy half & half.
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Thank you! I often see this half-and-half thingy in recipes on the internet but since I am not an US resident and there is no such thing in my country, this recipe is very handy.