These cupcakes were so much fun to make. I just put them together with things I had in my pantry.
Pin ItMonth: January 2012
Any and all money we collect will be given directly to that ministry. We do not send money through the Souper Bowl of Caring or to any national agency — we take it and donate it directly to Angel Food Ministries without any middle men.
Pin ItHere’s the menu for my family for the week of January 30th. February 2 is Groundhog Day here in the US and it is also recognized as Candlemas, and Presentation of Christ in the Temple Day in Orthodox faiths.
Pin ItWhy is natural selection taught as ‘evolution’ as if it explains the origin of the diversity of life?
Pin ItI’d been tossing around the idea of quitting blogging for about three months now. I really started thinking about it as soon as it dawned on me just how much less free time I have during the day when I no longer conducted my marriage via long distance means. Since I feel very strongly that the Holy Spirit is who led me to starting the blog, I started praying about it.
Pin ItHere’s the menu for my family for the week of January 23rd. As far as desserts go, I made a gluten-free chocolate cake this past week and have one from the same site for a vanilla bean cake. I’m going to give that a go since the family love the chocolate one so much. Recipes will be forthcoming!
Pin ItHow could mutations—accidental copying mistakes (DNA ‘letters’ exchanged, deleted or added, genes duplicated, chromosome inversions, etc.)—create the huge volumes of information in the DNA of living things? How could such errors create 3 billion letters of DNA information to change a microbe into a microbiologist?
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