Wordless Wednesday: Just Like Daddy
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5 Minutes for Mom |
what a wonderful learning experience. Great shots!
that is sooo incredibly cute!
Love this. I have pictures of my boys shaving with Daddy, too. So sweet.
Too cute! What a fun series. Thanks for linkin up for WW!
The last 2 photos are just so sweet! LOVE that their facial expressions are exact :)
Awwww, so cute!
Great post, Hallee! They are so incredibly alike!
Looks like a common scene in our household too! I love it. So sweet.
aww what awesome photos capturing the moment!!
I bet you had a big smile on your face as you were taking these lovely photos of your men. :-)
Oh my gosh, how cute! I remember just LOVING to watch my dad shave when I was little, I bet being a boy and getting to try it too is even more fun! What great memory creating pictures!
How very sweet, reminds me of when I used to shave with my dad in the mornings. Yes I really did!