A New Experience

When I guest posted at Keeper of the Home, I told you about my new venture in volunteering at a local soup kitchen.  I work Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Over the summer, Kaylee has babysat the boys and has done an amazing job at it.  But, school started last week and Gregg went back to Afghanistan Friday, so we needed to find someone to watch the boys.

Our church has an awesome preschool through elementary school.  I checked into it to know what my options were and discovered that they have a part time program on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  But the more we looked at that option, the less we liked it.  I home school preschool, and we have invested a lot of time, prayer, and money into building our preschool curriculum.  Consequently, I didn’t want them in a preschool environment two days a week on top of what we were doing at home.  That would seem counter-productive.

So, Gregg and I decided we would just pray that God would reveal to us someone who needed an extra income.  I knew what the preschool charged, I asked a friend who babysits from her home full time, and so I had an idea of what to offer pay.  Not long after Gregg and I talked about it, a friend of the family whom I have gotten to know over the last year crossed my path one day.  Out of nowhere, I felt a strong convicting urge to go ask her if she would want to do it.

She readily accepted.  I was so pleased.  I am so happy to have an opportunity to help her, and I’m so happy she is on hand to help me and allow me to continue with my ministry.

This morning is their first morning.  The boys aren’t going to like it, but they don’t like it when I leave them with anyone.  But I think it will be a wonderful experience for everyone.


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