Month: November 2009

Creation: Cosmic Evolution Part II

Matter, like air, can get hot. An absense of matter cannot get hot. Heat is energy. Energy is simply transformed matter. This is why we have the first law of thermodynamics. But nothingness is an absence of matter and and absence of energy. In point of fact, nothing is an absense of everything. Nothing can become neither dense nor hot. Things like air get hot, because air is matter, not an absence of it, and some of the matter in air can be transformed into energy which nothing cannot do since it is nothing.

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Surviving Separation: Your Voice

It’s awesome. If I’m thinking about something and I’m driving, I can just give him a quick call and have a one-sided conversation. The kids call and tell him goodnight or good morning. If I want to just have some connection with him, I call and listen to his voice on the message then leave him a message.


Monthly Reminder ☺

Last month was breast cancer awareness month. In my post about it on October 6th, I encouraged everyone to order a free breast self exam shower card here and to use it. Select a day once a month to do a self-exam. I also encouraged everyone to find a buddy and remind each other to do your breast exams.

Here is my monthly reminder to you guys, my buddies. Please remember to do monthly self exam. The earlier detection, the more likely a positive outcome.

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Commissary Day

It’s over a two-hour drive to get to the commissary from our house, so I shop about every three months (other than my weekly grocery trip for dairy and produce). This trip will include what I need for all of my holiday baking, and should get me through the New Year.

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