Columbus Day homeschooling crafts — map

columbusdayA Map To the New World

As I was planning today’s homeschool lesson for Scott and Johnathan, I came across this EASY and wonderful idea to talk about Columbus Day.  Use in conjunction with the Egg Carton Ships to explain Columbus’ voyage to the New World.

What you’ll need:

Brown paper grocery bag



Water color paints: blue, brown, green

Paintbrush or sponges

Black marker


How to make it:

Cut a rectangle from the side of the grocery bag that does not have seams.

Use a pencil to draw simple land designs on the front of your bag (refer to photo or a world map for general idea).

Let your preschooler paint the land on the right green and the land on the left brown.

Paint the remaining areas (water) blue, leaving a small border around the land unpainted.

Let paint dry.

When dry, use a black marker to add an outline to the land masses.

Write the words “New World” on the land mass in the upper left and “Spain” on the upper right land mass, on the left side of that piece of land.

Use the marker to draw small curved lines around the water to represent waves.

Draw a dotted line from “Spain” to the lower left land mass.

Add another coat of green and brown watercolor paint to the land masses, except where the words are. Going around the words will give it a more dimensional look when dry.

Use a lighter to lightly burn the edges of the brown paper map to give it an aged look.

Make egg carton ships and use them as a visual tool to explain Columbus’ voyage.


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