I took a small ceramic plate and made five separate globs: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple. I put it in between two boys who each had a sheet of construction paper. We’ve done this before – we do this often. Painting with brushes, sponges, fingers — none of it is new. But this time, Scott decided to lay his entire hand on the globs of paint at one time. With glee, he smeared his hand over his yellow construction paper and exclaimed at the fact that the colors all mixed together made brown.
Tag: Paint
As I was planning today’s homeschool lesson for Scott and Johnathan, I came across this EASY and wonderful idea to talk about Columbus Day. Do this craft with common items found around the house.
Pin ItTry replacing the drawer and cabinet door handles or knobs, and the hinges with a nice looking but inexpensive set that will accent the look of the room.
For around $20, you can get a can of countertop treatment which fills in the cuts scratches and dings, and coats the whole counter, making that Formica look better than new in one of 40 possible modern colors.
Rope LED lighting is inexpensive and provides a warm, soft glow under the counter.
Maybe hubby can paint mis-matched appliances to match your other appliances.