Tag: Homeschool

End of the Year Update

I was really upset about this email, because Scott turns 7 in July. We purposefully red-shirted him and started him in Kindergarten when was already 6. What I read when I read this was that they were considering retention. I said something to a friend who has a middle schooler with Aspergers, and she said, “Call and ARC meeting.”


Best Laid Plans…

I feel a little bit like a fraud. “Christian Homeschooling Mom Enrolls Special Needs Child in Public School.” I don’t know how a family so strongly homeschool minded could end up with not one, but two children in public school and a 4-year-old in a preschool. However, despite what WE thought was best, God has intervened and taken us on a different direction.



Redshirting is holding your school-aged child back an extra year, and starting them in kindergarten at the age of 6 (or first grade at the age of 7). I was bouncing around the idea of writing a post about it and tried to look up the etymology of the term and came across two interesting things: (1) the term “redshirting” as far as I can tell, has its history in sports and something to do with Freshmen wearing red shirts, and (2) there is a MAJOR criticism in the world out there for people who choose to redshirt. Typically, the criticism came from people who have a different world view than I, so I decided no more bouncing around with an idea — I’ll go ahead and write it. :-)


A Fresh Outlook & A New Schedule

I had my day and my week planned down to the minute. My home ran like a well oiled machine. Things would interrupt that smooth operation — an out of town trip, the early stages of garden growing when you have to be outside tending the garden constantly, a night with no sleep and a cranky child — but for the most part, it was all good. For three years I excelled at the housekeeping part of homemaking.


♫ There Are Twelve Months in a Year ♫

In the hallway outside of the kids’ rooms, there hangs a calendar.

I bought it in a teachers’ supply section of an office store. It was designed to hang on a bulletin board so that you could use staples or thumbtacks to hang it up.

This hangs on the hall wall. We use tape. I tried to use that sticky gum stuff so that it wouldn’t rip the base or the numbers, but Johnathan ate it.


Creation: Mother Nature’s Plan

Before I step into the primordial soup that is Chemical Evolution, which slips nicely down the logical slope into the quagmire of Abiogenesis, I must preface those future posts with some foundational data. This data is important for context. The foundational data we must examine has to do with the fallacy of Darwinist reification and the age of the earth. In this post, I will focus on reification.

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