Tag: Holy matrimony

The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 28 – His Self Image

Our pastor preached a sermon one time on marriage and said, “I can go to work and get beat up by work colleagues all day long. I can get cut off in traffic, I can get talked over in meetings, I can get disrespected by my associates. And I can come come to my wife who is my biggest cheerleader and who tells me I’m wonderful and can do it, and nothing else will matter. The rest of the world just fades away into unimportant.”

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The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 25 – His Repentance

I used to think the term “repentance” was the entire package of what a Christian was to do. Likely because of pop culture political cartoons or caricatures with some sign or caption in them about “repent and be saved!” So, in my mind, repentance meant confession of sins and turning away from sins while accepting Jesus Christ into your life and heart all at the same time.

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Surviving Separation: Accepting Help

I’m not a handy woman. I can work things that don’t require a lot of mechanical know-how. For instance, I can use a level and a measuring tape to map out a series of wall hangings that will be evenly spaced and properly hanged; however, that’s just math. I’m good with math. What I can’t do is use a drill, a chain saw, or any of the other multiple power tools and mechanical items in my husband’s workshop.

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