Category: sauces & spreads

Jen’s Honey Strawberry Freezer Jam

I’ve known Jen since we were pregnant with our almost 5-year-olds. She is the crock-pot recipe queen to me, and a very dear friend. I often wished we lived closer than the few hundred miles that separate us, because seeing her a few times a year just isn’t enough.

Here is her first recipe for our blog – but I hope it won’t be her last. I intend to talk her into a regular crockpot column here at Hallee the Homemaker!

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Fun & Easy Snow Cone Syrup

Many years ago, Kaylee had an end-of-the-school-year-summer’s-coming party. Among other things, we served snow cones. I bought a snow cone maker at a kitchen store for less than $20, and bought a pack of four different flavored snow cone syrups. Three years ago, we moved from Florida to Kentucky, but the box that contained the snow cone maker stayed unpacked until this winter. I dusted it off, put it on the shelf, and waited for warmer weather. I went to the store the other day to buy new syrup for it, and reading the labels, discovered that there wasn’t a single brand whose ingredients didn’t start with “high fructose corn syrup.” This is on our “absolutely avoid” list – so I came home and started thinking. The ingredients were all basically:high fructose corn syrup, water, flavor, color, citric acid. What could I use that would have a pretty strong flavor to mix with the sugar to make a syrup for snow cones? Then I looked at a Kool-Aid packet — the ingredients are basically: flavor, color, and citric acid. So, there, you go — flavored snow cone syrup sans high fructose corn syrup. You’re free to make any flavor you want – and it will be in a variety of fun colors for kids.

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Easy Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing

My children love ranch dressing. I keep a jar in my refrigerator to put in Kaylee’s lunches with carrot sticks, a snack for the boys with cucumber slices, or for salads at dinner time. I played with the spices and seasonings until I got it just right for my family. The measurements below are very conservative. Taste the dressing when it’s mixed together and add more as you need to.

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Honey Sweetened Grape Jelly with Homemade Apple Pectin

Pectin is found in under ripe food and is a substance that will jell fruit juice when combined with sweeteners. I’m not all that crazy about growing my own fruit, being careful about the source of the food I buy, carefully preparing to preserve such fruit — then having to preserve it with a box of some Sure-Jel that came off of the Wal-Mart shelf. So, I researched into how to make my own pectin.

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