Tasty Traditional Tahini Paste

Tahini Paste

I spent years buying tahini paste that I used to make my Hummus bi Tahini, until one day I read the ingredients: sesame seeds, olive oil.  Well, goodness, I thought, I can do that.  And it’s truly that simple.


2½ cups roasted sesame seeds
¾ cup extra virgin olive oil


measuring cups
food processor
baking sheet (if you need to roast your sesame seeds)


If your sesame seeds are not roasted, place them on a baking sheet in preheated 350° F degree oven and toast, stirring frequently, for about 5-10 minutes.  Do not let them brown.  Cool before proceeding.


Place sesame seeds and olive oil in food processor.  Blend until smooth.  You’re looking for a thick, pourable consistency.  If you need to add more olive oil, add it slowly.


2 cups

No cholesterol
Very low in sodium
Very low in sugar

Store in a tightly closed container (I use a mason jar) in the refrigerator.  This will keep for about 3 months.

I would love to hear any feedback about this recipe. Did you make it? Did you enjoy it? Did you make any adjustments to it?


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