The Book That Won Me the Disapproving Judgement of Christians All Over the World…
…is here!
Fifty Shades of Gravy, a Christian Gets Saucy! a cookbook (and parody)
If you’d like an autographed copy, they are $9 plus shipping. You can email me at to request your copy today!
And, coming soon:
The Walking Bread, the Bread Will Rise: a cookbook (and a parody)
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Disapproval? Really? Ah, well… some people can’t take a joke. I thought it was funny : D
Oh yes. disapproval on a mass scale.
Well, we’ve talked about God’s Awkward Squad before. And I still think their full of hot air. Or as a friend said GAS.
Don’t let this bother you. There are plenty of Christians and homemakers who will appreciate your cook book.
Write on.
And I love the cover!!! So cute. And so creative.
Thank you, my friend.
do you know what it is with shipping? You can email me if you want (tomorrow is payday!!)