Fifty Shades of Gravy, A Christian Gets Saucy! If you’d like an autographed copy, they are $9 plus shipping. You can email me at to request your copy today!
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We live in a world that groans beneath the weight of sin that entered at the fall of man. Everywhere we turn, there is pain, hatred, abuse, war, jealousy, greed, and malice. Whether they consciously do it or not, people seeking to free themselves from their chains, longing to end their internal suffering, turn to all types of carnality. They are lost in a world that offers them, not truth, but lies.
Pin ItI am so excited to announce this book to you.
Fifty Shades of Gravy; a Christian Gets Saucy
‘Probably’ a New York Times Bestseller
Submitted for your pleasure, a cookbook intended to dominate ALL of your “Big Dang Sauce Making” (BDSM) desires.